I'm considering a 1/4" router myself, It'll probably be a trend T5. Heres a link to the one I have my eye on
Also if I were in your situation i'd consider the Makita MT. They're a re-badged version of...
Selling my Clifton 5 1/2 as I'm not using it much anymore.
It's the old type, green body Clico made one with 2 piece cap iron and stamped blade.
I'm asking £225 and I'll cover postage cost to the U.K. for that.
3/4 hp was standard measure, same for most big lathes of that era.
If you want the cheapest way to get it to run on single phase a Chinese inverter off eBay is your best bet. You wont get a 550w or 3/4 hp one but 750w or 1hp should work fine. I have one of these on a table saw for a few months...
Here's a shot side on to show the thickness. Looks a bit thicker in the first photo. (I think so anyway, I did put thought into the thickness, it looks good to me)
I can't find any other stamped numbers, but being able to identify which pattern was used makes sense. Sometimes little things like these are of great interest to me, thanks AndyT!
Hi all,
I've bought a record plane and upon having a first look at it noticed there was the number 3 stamped in the back of the lever cap. Never seen this before, does anyone know what it means? I can't seem to find anything online about it.
Looks excellent, if you consider using a dye put a coat of shellac ( French polish or shellac sanding sealer) on first to stop blotching.
The missus should be very happy with it!
Hi ,
I'm considering buying a tormek, but which one to get? Do any members have reason or experience to suggest that I mneed the bigger one, it's just for chisels plane irons and wood turning tools.
Any thoughts/opinions welcome
If you want the best protection from dust wear a mask, look up p1 p2 and p3 standards for dust masks. An extractor won't catch it all, some dust will still escape from the machine and not go into the extractor at all. Don't get too hung up on microns.
Have you come across startrite/record...
I'd try and insulate it if possible, for a workshop you don't need much. A foil backed slab should keep out moisture. Definitely block off area from the horses, also to block the smell of them in the workshop. Would noise from machinery spook the horses? Do you care?
Sounds interesting!
Hi all, as title states reccomenend me a cheap morticer, ive been looking at charnwood and draper ones, anyone have one, any good?
Any other suggestions welcome
Snip the end off, if it goes again you could get a ball and socket type fitting for the hose, seen them in local industrial suppliers ages ago hope that helps