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  1. D

    Router shock/tingling from body

    It's in with repairman, update next week hopefully.
  2. D

    Router shock/tingling from body

    It happens after a few minutes of use. If I put it down, plug it out and come back later there is no shock whether plugged in or not, running or not. I tested it plugged in, I get 20v from body to ground.
  3. D

    Router shock/tingling from body

    Thanks everyone, I have an RCD in consumer unit. I will try the ground wire test and see how it goes, Thanks!
  4. D

    Router shock/tingling from body

    I was wondering that, I blew out a good bit of dust with compressed air afterwards and I was using a ⌀75mm bit at the time which might do something for static but not sure.
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    Router shock/tingling from body

    Hi folks, I have a question about a router if anyone could advise please. It's an old elu 177 1/2" type 4, not sure on date possibly 90's? After using it for a few minutes it gives a slight tinging from the lower metal part of the body where the handles are and depth lock lever. It's a 220v...
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    Bench Dog Angle?

    2 degrees it seems to be, Thanks!
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    Bench Dog Angle?

    Hi all, I am making a bench with square dogs and wondering what angle to make them at? Most seem to be tilted a few degrees but how much? Also is using leather on the faces worth it? Thanks.
  8. D

    Maple veneer not sticking

    Old/frost damaged glue? Key the surfaces with 80 or 120g, old surfaces of boards/veneer in storage can accumulate dust and dirt which can affect glues and finishes. Nit sure what face you're describing from the cutter but maybe a sacrificial backer board might be useful?
  9. D

    Moving Fillister Refurbishment

    Thanks very much, I have indeed done it before.
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    Tenon Saw Problem

    Sounds like the threads might be stripped? I'd try to get an old chisel with the chisel back to the wood and wedge it up if that makes sense? then you might get a pliers on it to pull it off. The 2 you have one half off in the pic will need to be tapped out with a punch or nail or something...
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    Record Vice Guide Bars Bent

    Yes I checked that it seems straight as far as I can tell with any method I have.
  12. D

    Record Vice Guide Bars Bent

    Right chaps update time it is. I took it to a local engineer who reckoned they could indeed be drilled out and replaced with new bar. I will get him to do that and heat the old jaw face and insert new bar with knurled ends. The old ones were 7/8" on the front as well, no shoulder or thread or...
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    Record Vice Guide Bars Bent

    Hi everyone, looking for a bit of help or advice please. I have a record 53 vice with 2 bent guide bars, when it closes and only touches at the bottom left corner of the jaws. The two guide bars are well off to the left and down instead of slightly up vertically (to allow the top of the jaws...
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    Charnwood mortice chisels?

    Hi everyone, I'm looking for a few mortice chisels and wondering has anyone used the charnwood ones, just the chisels, not the mortice machine. Are they any good or are there better out there that aren't big money? Thanks
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    Sizing floor support joist?

    I've tried contacting structural engineers but no reply. I'd imagine it's too small a job for them to bother with.
  16. D

    Sizing floor support joist?

    Hi I am trying to find a way to support a mezzanine floor. It is currently held up with a wall at one end and the plan is to remove the wall and have a beam of some sort replacing the wall to knock 2 sections into 1. The wall is 6m long or 20ft. Could it be done in timber? I realise it would...
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    Belt size and slipping?

    Hi, I am looking into upgrading the motor in my lathe and am wondering how much bigger I could put in before the belt slips? It's a 15mm wide 6 rib poly v belt if that matters? Does anyone have a similar size belt and what size motor do you have? Currently the lathe has a 1200w DC motor with...
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    Window Hinges?

    Hello all, I am going to have to replace a few windows on my workshop, and also try and have it in keeping with existing windows as it's an old building. What's there already have lift off barrel hinges and I'm wondering if there are different ones as all I can find are specified for cabinets...
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    Moving Fillister Refurbishment

    So with all the bits present now and everything clean and working it was time to sharpen and give it a little test. I thought that the best test would be one of the worst woods for tear out which is pine, I set the fence to 3/8”, took a stroke backwards to test the nicker, worked perfect, then a...
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    Moving Fillister Refurbishment

    Hello everyone, been a while since I posted anything on the forums and wanted to share this little refurbishing of a moving fillister plane I recently did. I spotted it on “the bay” for £15, had been looking for one like this for a long time, I wanted a moving fillister with dovetailed boxing...