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  1. nev

    problem with Delta 2 speed 16" scroll saw!

    Does the motor have a starter capacitor? If it were a lathe that would be the usual culprit.
  2. nev

    Can anyone tell me what this is?

    Is the fused spur connected to it? Some kind of electric heater maybe?
  3. nev

    UK Source for BAKUMA 265 Japanese Pull Saw Blades

    These any good? ... 2028339464
  4. nev

    cutting a recess into a chopping board fro a 5.5 ramkin

    To cut a circle you have three options, 1. use a trammel- better for larger circles. 2. use a template and guide bush - probably the best bet for your current requirement. 3. as mentioned above with a circular hole saw then remove inside the circle with router - but the centre drill bit of hole...
  5. nev

    Nipple troubles

    Have you tried The nipple shop? I'm sure they know all there is to know about nipples , how to get to them and what to do with them once you have. ... cessories/
  6. nev

    Tool sharpening scam warning

    Thanks for the heads up, but Give something, and not just something but your livelihood tools, to a random bloke that knocks on your door and expect to see it again? :-k #-o
  7. nev

    Cheapest softwood

    A few more details would help. How much, how long, How many? Who's making the cylinders? Do they need to be exactly 10cm dia? Will there be any (pull) strain on the insert? Short answer: The cheapest will probably be construction grade timber, whitewood or redwood, available from a local...
  8. nev

    Best way to attach legs to an OSB chair?

    as above but if you don't want the bolt heads/ nuts on show, countersink them into the sides and then fix the last outer laminate sheet over them, with posh screws as per the drawing, or from the inside/ underside with screws for an invisible fix.
  9. nev

    Long twistndrill

    are Dormer drill bits any good? ... AkL98P8HAQ
  10. nev

    Record CL lathe - Small improvements

    More details please :)
  11. nev account...Help!

    can you add your new address then once added set that one as default and then delete/ remove the old one?
  12. nev account...Help!

  13. nev account...Help!

    maybe ... r-apple-id
  14. nev account...Help!

    If you haven't tried it yet... ... t-recover/ and then
  15. nev

    How to

    I used thinners wiped over the back of a laser printed page to get a faded look on this geetar... 3-string-cigar-box-t80520-15.html post1047608.html?hilit=3%20string#p1047608
  16. nev

    Elu db 180 lathe

    Googling gets for Patriot and Supernova chucks ... r_page.htm inserts for Nova chucks Record power also have inserts of that size for the RP SC4 chuck...
  17. nev

    Getting brass shiny ... Guide.html
  18. nev

    work shirts

    if you fancy pushing the boat out a bit look at Carhartt workwear. ... 534_129548
  19. nev

    Workshop Lighting Motion Detector ... ng_TLPIRFL
  20. nev

    Signature Branding irons (electric) ... irons.html ... rands.html