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  1. N

    Blast off

    Thank you, Alf, and I hope your break is a short one! Cheers, Neil
  2. N

    Excellent Tilgear Service

    Thanks Alf :). Its certainly progress, although I won't hold my breath for the website... :wink: Cheers, Neil
  3. N

    Excellent Tilgear Service

    I missed that one, Alf - how does it work? Do you send the email and then call with card details? Sounds very handy - when I call up it takes them ages to thumb through the catalogue to find out what I'm on about, which is a bit expensive when the call is international... :roll: Cheers, Neil
  4. N

    Preferred way to grind primary bevels?

    I think it might be the width of the blades which would give you problems, not the length. Thanks to everyone for your input. The poll results so far are almost as I expected - I ordered the options according to what I expected the results to be, except for the catch-all option at the bottom...
  5. N

    Metabo BAS 317 Bandsaw

    I thought you might like it! 8) Cheers, Neil
  6. N

    Routing Plastic

    I knew that there would be more to it than I thought! A mine of information as usual, Scrit =D> Cheers, Neil
  7. N

    Routing Plastic

    :roll: :lol: Cheers, Neil
  8. N

    Routing Plastic

    Doesn't it? Such fun that its very easy to plane past the line :oops: cheers, Neil
  9. N

    Metabo BAS 317 Bandsaw

    Byron, From the research I have done, I would be worried that you might find it a bit of a let-down after your Jet. Have you seen this? Note that I've only seen the E-B in the flesh, though... Cheers, Neil
  10. N

    Routing Plastic

    Its not only possible, its also just about the easiest, nicest material to route that I know of! Ordinary router bits are fine - in terms of speed I've always just used normal settings for wood, but maybe Scrit will correct me. <edit> I've just routed some to make up a new split fence for the...
  11. N

    Preferred way to grind primary bevels?

    Hi Colin, Turns out it was the other colinc! :oops: :lol: Not trying to tempt you or anything O:) Cheers, Neil
  12. N

    Preferred way to grind primary bevels?

    Not everyone who lives in Ireland is Irish, Paul :wink: I thought you had a cheap Tormek from ebay, Colin? Thats interesting, Paul. I use waterstones for secondary bevel/honing at the moment (in fact one of the attractions of the x-x coarse diamond stone is that it will be great for...
  13. N

    Record 044 page

    Yeah, shame about the missing thumbscrew though. Anyone got a good source for these? Cheers, Neil
  14. N

    Preferred way to grind primary bevels?

    Many thanks for the responses thus far, folks :). The two ways I've been considering are the wet grinder and the coarse diamond stone (having found an very cheap source for an extra-extra coarse DMT) although I have considered the belt sander approach too. HS grinder is just too scary (in...
  15. N

    Preferred way to grind primary bevels?

    What is your preferred way to grind the primary bevel on plane irons & chisels? I'm going round in circles trying to decide what to do for this, being unhappy with my present approach. I know we've done this to death a bit, but never in the form of a definitive poll as far as I know. I would...
  16. N

    Rexon Grindstone

    ...and most of the way to the cost of the Sheppach clone of the baby Tormek. I guess you could use the Screwfix voucher to get £20 off the Rexon, though. Cheers, Neil
  17. N

    Record 044 page

    This is all I have of mine :cry:, but at least now I know what should be there! Thanks, Alf. :D So just to make absolutely sure - do the Marples always have a red lever cap? I don't think I could have missed it in all the piles of rust if thats the case. I'll have to try making one to...
  18. N

    New panel raising plane

    Fantastic, Alf - I'm :mrgreen: with envy. All this plane-making is quite inspirational - must have a go myself... So are you making the other one tomorrow? :P Cheers, Neil
  19. N

    PT separtes or both?

    Selly, For those of us on a 'realistic' budget, there are compromises for each of the two routes. If you go for a P/T, you'll have a greater width of cut (probably 10") on the planer side, but the planer beds will generally be shorter and the fence on the planer will be aluminium. If you go...
  20. N

    Should have taken a bigger suitcase!

    Here is a different approach to mine for the fence: Cheers, Neil