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  1. N

    Hells Granny Pays Up

    You and I really are thinking alike today, Simon! Cheers, Neil
  2. N

    Whic Biscuit Jointer?

    Hi Wizer, Houts was refering to the makita 3901 (from the message title) The Ferm is great for the money IF (and its a bif IF) you get a reasonable one - the quality control must be really poor, because the difference in the reports from people who have them on here is amazing. I was one of...
  3. N

    Hells Granny Pays Up

    Great to hear that you've got something out of the whole sorry affair, Woody. Enjoy your new toy, whatever you end up with! Cheers, Neil
  4. N

    Greene & Greene Rocking Chair

    That is a beautiful piece of work - nice find, Noely :D Simon, I love the rocker in your link - if you find any more info, please would you let me know? And vice-versa of course! Cheers, Neil
  5. N

    Which Shoulder Plane

    I'm dreaming that a compass plane is higher up the list - drooling at the thought of what the Veritas engineers could come up with for this :D Cheers, Neil
  6. N

    Router Table Day 2

    Waka, the table looks fantastic - although I was so upset by your blatant Festool gloat that I could hardly bring myself to post! :lol: Neil
  7. N

    price fixing?

    Hi Tombo, FYI, Wealden's site is back up & running now. Cheers, Neil
  8. N

    price fixing?

    Hi tombo, There is somewhere which regularly has 20% off Trend cutters - I'm sure if Newbie_Neil sees this he'll remember where it was. BUT - I would strongly recommend that you check out Wealden for router cutters instead ( - they are excellent cutters, and I think...
  9. N

    Router Table day 1

    Dammit, Waka - SWMBO almost saw your post, that is far too much progress to make in one day! :lol: That is going to be one fantastic table - the Woodpecker top looks great, and I'm just going to have to get a Unilift after your review :cry: Looking forward to seeing the finished article...
  10. N

    Blame Philly - new baby 9lb 61/2 oz.

    That is gorgeous, Chris - congratulations to the proud parent! :lol: Cheers, Neil
  11. N

    Festool saw and guide rail system, initial results

    Yes, if you get the Protrade deal, you'll only need to buy one extra joining kit. In terms of clamps, there are three types. These are the ones you found at Axminster for £18.48 / pair, Festool code is FSZ 120 Then there are these fast ones, only any use for perpendicular cuts in sheet...
  12. N

    Festool saw and guide rail system, initial results

    Hi Coggy, I think Protrade is still the best deal: As you get the 2nd guide rail and one joining bar, you may not need the 3m guide rail, although I guess if you are using it all day every day, you might want it anyway. You'll need to get...
  13. N

    Wheel Marking Gauges Review

    Well, this all came about from an innocent PM asking Alf if she had tried the Veritas micro-adjust, and look what it snowballed into! I wonder what will take the longest - making my final decision about which gauge to go for, or losing my great sense of guilt about Alf going to so much trouble...
  14. N

    Sad News

    I'm so sorry, Dave - I can't even imagine what it is going to be like when I lose my Lab. Neil
  15. N

    Aragorn's Kitchen *Large*

    What a fabulous kitchen & a fabulous post! Thanks for taking the time, Aragorn. As Alf says, the pic with the mortice & tenons says it all, really :shock: Cheers, Neil
  16. N

    Sketch up Material libraries

    Thanks, Philly - I'll check it out :) Cheers, Neil
  17. N

    Sketch up Material libraries

    Hi Tim, Well, I've done this in Sketchup 3.0 by a bit of a back-door route as I couldn't work out a way to do it either. I made a copy of one of the existing libraries (in <install drive>:\@Last Software\SketchUp 3.0\Library on mine) and renamed it to Woods. Then I opened it in Sketchup and...
  18. N

    ***TREND*** 1st and 2nd Places Announcement

    Well done Alf! Thoroughly deserved :D Well done to John too. And many thanks to Trend, Newbie_Neil and all the judges for all their efforts. Now Alf, when you get your prize, you'll find a funny long rubber cord thingy coming out of it with a blob with three prongs on the end. Just in case...
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    You're very welcome, Neil :) NeilCFD
  20. N


    Well, I know N_Neil is a bit busy, so here they are: WIP Reports: Alf: John: Ian: Neil...