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  1. N

    Forum Users Router Tables

    Self-build to own design (not exactly rocket science, though, are they? :lol:) Details here and here Cheers, Neil
  2. N

    Triton 1/2" router

    Bank details on their way by PM, John :lol: Cheers, Neil
  3. N

    Knock down joints

    Are these any use, Dave? Cheers, Neil
  4. N

    anyone want in ?

    Well, I was going to offer, Frank, but it didn't seem very practical for access by other members. It would certainly make the forum's Irish contingent happy though! :wink: Did I mention that the house has a nice 1/2 acre paddock, very suitable as a site for a nice wood store? :P Neil
  5. N

    Double Twisted Dovetail Fun

    Philly, we haven't seen any gloats from you for what feels like months (must be over a week, then :wink:) - isn't this a great opportunity for some gloatsome new kit like a vacuum veneering press? :P :P Yours cheekily, Neil
  6. N

    Triton 1/2" router

    John, You are more than welcome - its a nice change for me to help on this forum rather than be helped! :D Cheers, Neil
  7. N

    The day I almost out-gloated Philly and Chris...

    Thanks, TX :D I have photographic evidence, though, DW :wink: Cheers, Neil
  8. N

    Triton 1/2" router

    John, Can't you just put small springs under the existing nuts? OK, you would lose a small amount of adjustment, but it would fix the problem and would leave the system as easy to adjust as it is now? Cheers, Neil
  9. N

    The day I almost out-gloated Philly and Chris...

    You could always do a live video feed to, Philly :P Cheers, Neil
  10. N

    The day I almost out-gloated Philly and Chris...

    Thanks, guys :D Humm... you may have a point there, Pete - maybe this workshop is going to be no use to me whatsoever! On the other hand, we have NO furniture having sold it all with our house, so sacrifices will just have to be made to give me more workshop time :wink: :lol: Frank, I'm...
  11. N

    The day I almost out-gloated Philly and Chris...

    Tim, I think this particular tactic would be destined to fail, probably resulting a response something along these lines: "Right, here's Neil Jr., I'm back off to work and you can be 'busy with the baby' instead" :lol: Seriously, though - I think if I bide my time, SWMBO will want to change...
  12. N

    The day I almost out-gloated Philly and Chris...

    Hi Chris, I'm afraid that she already has a 9m x 4m studio here, and she struggles for space when she has a big show coming up. Her work is pretty large, most pieces are made up of two 2m x 2m canvasses side by side, and I remember one that was 7m x 2m :shock: So I guess I can't really...
  13. N

    Philly's Little Helper

    Look whats to the right, though, Tim - a quick flick of the wrist and Philly's plane storage cabinet and contents would be covered in red splatter :shock: Cheers, Neil
  14. N

    The day I almost out-gloated Philly and Chris...

    Thanks, everyone - I'll post pics in about three weeks, all being well. I don't want to tempt fate too much by posting any now :-# Les, your story sounds very familiar (sounds like a Green Valley Properties description to me??). This house really was a jewel in a sea of... well, I don't...
  15. N

    The day I almost out-gloated Philly and Chris...

    My wife and I are just in the process of moving house and having signed contracts last Friday, I’m now sufficiently comfortable that the move is really going to happen to be able to tell you a little story... So we found a very nice house on the internet, called up to get more details and to...
  16. N

    Making a career out of woodworking

    Pooka, I'm not in a position to give you much in the way of advice, but one thing I will say is that in my opinion, you have a greater chance to succeed because you are based in Ireland. In my experience of living both here and in the UK, and of having family and friends in the UK, I think that...
  17. N

    Decking woods

    I only found it by remembering it from a while ago - my Google search of 'Noyeks Newmans' probably wouldn't be the first thing to spring to mind when looking for decking supplies! Neil
  18. N

    Forum users' Planers & Thicknessers

    That is some machine, Mike! :tool: Cheers, Neil
  19. N

    EB PKF255 10" tablesaw + 1.4mtr sliding table SOLD

    Not too helpful, John, but I would have it if I could get it to Ireland. I've tried CYC's and it is a lovely saw. At least all these 'I would if...' comments confirm that you've set a very good price! Neil
  20. N

    Alf’s Workshop Tour - very long and potentially boring

    More like the gloat that almost was, Alf :wink: - all will be revealed next week... Neil