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  1. N

    Interior Window Shutters

    Hi Dick, My house has some original Georgian shutters - I'll take some pics later in case they are any help. One thought I have is that I'm not sure you should have tiered shutters, I'm not sure that they would work as well visually as a pair of tall, slender shutters. I'll measure the...
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    Completed project - baby walker!

    Looks great, Gidon! Some nice gloats too... :P The ebony plugs work really well against the Ash - I hope your little man appreciates this attention to detail! Clever way of sanding the wheels too. And I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one who has problems with burn marks when rounding...
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    Plane fest.

    What a post, Chris! Is this the sort of personal service that all S&S owners receive :?: :lol: That tool cupboard looks to be close to completion - any news? Cheers, Neil <edit> you need a bigger workshop, though :P - have you spoken to your architect yet?
  4. N

    Tennis Elbow

    Steve, find a good Osteopath or failing that, a good chiropractor (difficult in the UK, admittedly). SWBMO's dad had tennis elbow and on the advice of his doctor & consultants was about to have an operation. One trip to our local chiropractor and everything was fixed, and it hasn't bothered...
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    Anyone an expert at data recovery?

    I'm even more paranoid than you, Roger! For my work stuff, I mirror my data drive onto three other disks (one in the same PC, two in two of my other PCs. I just use Second Copy for this - highly recommended. Then I do a nightly tape backup on a cycle of daily, weekly, monthly & quarterly...
  6. N

    Anyone an expert at data recovery?

    Thanks, Charley. Well, the freezer trick worked once, and once only :( - luckily I found that I had done a backup of most of SWMBO's stuff onto my network not long ago, so its not as serious as it could have been :) Cheers, Neil
  7. N

    Tools 2005 Gloaters are Welcome

    Jake, I think Tim was referring to the Besseys for £260, not the drill! Cheers, Neil
  8. N

    Tools 2005 Gloaters are Welcome

    Wow, that is some haul Tim! Lots of things that would be on my ultimate wish-list too =P~ Would be interested to hear what you think of the drill press - why did you decide to get the heavy-duty one instead of the ordinary one? The sale price of the one you got is pretty attractive IMO, is...
  9. N

    Tools 2005-The Thursday Report

    Cor, your credit card certainly avoided a major hit there, Philly! Thank goodness for mail order, eh? :lol: Neil
  10. N

    Tools 2005-The Thursday Report

    Calling me 'someone' instead of Noel, now, Adam? :P :lol: Thanks for the photos, Philly - the next best thing to being there. Looks like you were very restrained in your purchases - no BU jointers available yet? So can someone tell me what a doo-dah is now? Cheers, Neil
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    Tools 2005 Gloaters are Welcome

    I hope it works out, Adam - buying and selling houses is stressful enough as it is, without the horrible chains you get in the UK :(. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you... cheers, Neil
  12. N

    Tools 2005 Gloaters are Welcome

    So why haven't the rest of us gone this morning? Work, no money, too far, got everything already? Personally the main reason for me is that it is just too expensive to go - flying would be relatively cheap, but then I couldn't bring much back with me. Taking the car over would cost in the...
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    I've got the older version of Ray's Makita - it has given sterling service for 6 years. Highly recommended :) Cheers, Neil
  14. N

    Finally my No 98 first pics

    WOW!! :shock: Don't know about the Finally bit, Ian - I can hardly believe how quickly you've produced this - what a fantastic piece of work! So are you going to let Alf see it - you might not get it back off her again! :wink: :lol: Cheers, Neil
  15. N

    Tools 2005 Gloaters are Welcome

    I'll second that - bring on the gloats :evil:, its better than nothing :cry: . Just make sure you all take lots of interesting photos of the show for us as well... Cheers, Neil
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    Anyone an expert at data recovery?

    Hi everyone, One of the disks from SWMBO's PC has just given up the ghost, and unfortunately it hasn't been backed up for a month or two. It isn't a life-or-death situation, but I would like to recover some of her data off it before stripping out the rare earth magnets and recycling the rest...
  17. N

    Japanese stool. Finished with final work in progress shots

    Nice work, Adam - I like the wedged tenons too 8) Cheers, Neil
  18. N

    8mm Diamater Bar

    B&Q have bar in various sizes, although I'm not sure if they are metric or not. Presumably it wouldn't matter too much if it was slightly undersized? Also are you sure you need 2 lengths? Most trammel systems I've seen just use one bar. Cheers, Neil
  19. N

    Best and Worst buys in the last 12 months

    Hi Tim, Is this David Charlesworth article on the LN dowel plate of any help? Cheers, Neil
  20. N

    Bessey KT Edge Clamps

    Welcome back, Scrit! :D - great to see you posting again! \:D/ Cheers, Neil