I'll get back to you on that one, Neil! :lol:
Seriously, though, I would get the Leigh FMT rather than this if I had that sort of money - I can see how useful it would be on-site, but for workshop use there are better (and much cheaper) ways to achieve the same result IMO.
My guess is that because they want it to work like a biscuit jointer (i.e. held against the work and then plunged with no sideways movement) they had to use an oscillation - imagine how hard it would be to design a mechanism which plunges the bit to full depth and then moves it sideways, all...
Hi Pooka,
I don't think Warrington would be classed as a tool-buyers Mecca, but I guess you could pop to Taylor Bros in Liverpool (They run the diytools.co.uk/.ie site as a joint venture with Lenehans of Capel Street). I have been told, though, that the dogs have to go around in pairs in the...
I bought a new low-end Dell for SWMBO a couple of weeks back - £149 including VAT & delivery :shock:. OK, it was monitor-less (she already had a TFT from her previous machine) and it was only a Celeron 2.8GHz, 0.5GB RAM, but it was still a great deal.
Makes me cry about the £1000 paid for...
No, no flip-clip on my Ultra-lite but it sounds exactly like the thing I was going to add myself.
I would get the twin-linear out of the two you highlighted, purely because of the ability to change to metric. I guess now is the time to buy it too, 20% amounts to quite a lot on something that...
Dunno, just the way it is designed I guess.
All rack-based models as far as I know. Possibly not for the leadscrew models? Have a look at the manuals on Incra's site if you want to know for sure.
It doesn't have to be metal, an MDF box section would be fine and very easy with that nice TS55...
Hi Roger,
Re: you first question, its fine on the ultra-lite in terms of distance. You do have to hold the clamp down, though, which means you don't have a spare hand to do anything at the fence - the time when this is relevant is when you are 'zeroing' the fence where you need to hold a...
They are large ones too - more than strong enough to use for a jointer fence. In fact I have a pair waiting for a tuit for exactly this purpose :oops:
Something tells me you're looking for an excuse to upgrade? :P :lol:
Well, the Festool would do this very nicely. :twisted: One other thought - do you have the roundover edge against the fence, so you have to have the fence very close to the blade? If so, how about having the bulk of your...
Hi Andy,
a very non-expert view here, but if I were you I would get the BUS - you would then have blade compatibility with the LA Jack & BU jointer just in case you slip further down the slope :wink:
Great stuff, Philly - but we might have to ask the other woodkateers to confiscate your tools for a while if this rate of production continues - I'm sure they wouldn't mind :wink:
Soon to be seen in a magazine, perhaps :?: :lol:
Bravo, Alf! =D> =D> =D>
Nice to see that I'm not the only one who likes stuff built for the workshop to look good as well as to work well 8)
Some nice, unsubtle gloating too :P
I have the Trend version, and I must admit I hardly ever use the clamp which came with it - I think you'll get on fine without it! I usually end up clamping the work to my bench with speed clamps, which ensures that the whole assembly stays flat.
Another thing I've used are worktop connectors, after seeing them on a €1000 bed in Habitat! Combined with a M&T to take the weight, of course...
Hi Larky,
Axminster do these now:
Click image for link
M10 and M12 available. £4.95 for two nuts, so pretty expensive! Chris' suggestion might be better.