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  1. T

    Chisels - I could quit if I wanted.

    Beautiful pics! No tool nicer than tang style chisels, particularly London pattern!
  2. T

    Block Planes

    For me, vintage low angle Stanley 60-1/2, and not because I favor The low angle, it’s just because that style is more comfortable in my hand. Stock blade is fine and remember sharp always trumps the super-duper cryo’d NASA endorsed space metal that needs honed.
  3. T

    Got any recommendations for squares?

    Or you could have a Sargent framing square (US brand, years ago), that had rafter length (common or hip) imprinted on the square, per pitch.
  4. T

    Got any recommendations for squares?

    Many, many years ago, I did the same. I was an apprentice and was taught “make it pleasing to the eye”.
  5. T

    Do you think a rehardened stanley socket chisel...

    I’ve had a rather enjoyable and interesting past hour+. Passing by a Home Depot, I picked the remaining two Buck Bros. chisels, I mentioned earlier in this thread. Prepping them, instead of the SpyderCo ceramic stones I mainly have used over the past few years, I dug out an old favorite...
  6. T

    Do you think a rehardened stanley socket chisel...

    Earlier in this thread, I mentioned Buck Bros. carpentry chisels, resembling vintage Stanley #60s, with yellow handles and strike button. These are “Made in USA” chisels, and are being phased out and replaced with “Made in China” Buck Bros., with different style of handle and a bit longer steel...
  7. T

    G Clamps

    For me, clamp pressure is of far less importance (provided I do my job of proper fitting), and convenience becomes paramount. I’m 69 and I have some clamps older than I am (inherited from dear old, long deceased dad). Those are old style steel bar clamps And they will outlast my grandkids...
  8. T

    G Clamps

    I like the Bessey Quikklamps. The trigger is in line with the bar and is more natural to set/tighten for those times when you have one hand holding something together and the other hand using the clamp.
  9. T

    Do you think a rehardened stanley socket chisel...

    David, if you wonder in to the Home Depot in your neighborhood, if they have a Buck chisel on the rack, that resembles the defunct, but superb, Stanley #60 (yellow acetate handle, with strike button), pick one up and test. These are “made in the USA”, cheap (less than $10.00 each), and great...
  10. T

    Do you own this simple dowel jig?

    Watch the multiple brands on the “Hooked on Wood” reviews. Most, if not all are sold on Bangood. One is generally acceptable, with the others not so much. Are the reviews accurate/truthful? No idea, but many of these items are aimed for those revving their engines, getting ready to woodwork...
  11. T

    Chisel buying advice

    I’ve got many, many chisels, mostly great vintage and modern (AI, LN & similar). I’ve been putting an addition on our home and have many raceways to chisel out. I hardly wanted to bang on a vintage Witherby anymore than a modern LN. At Home Depot, there are plastic handled Buck Bros., “made...
  12. T

    The Debate of the Carpenter’s Tools

    I bet, when working alone, many of us speak to ourselves and/or ourselves. Why should they not talk back? They don't have eyes or ears to know when we are around. As far as "Old English" speak, we've been watching "Upstart Crow", and becoming very adept in zthe talk.
  13. T

    Vintage Hand Tool Extravaganza 16 October

    Too far too swim! But that same weekend, here across the Pond, is the annual PATINA tool sale and auction in Damascus, Maryland. As much in tailgating as at the inside sale.
  14. T

    Sharpening Jig - What do you think?

    I never knew I needed sharpening jigs until I discovered woodworking forums years ago (said tongue in cheek, with eyes rolling).
  15. T

    Paring Chisels May Break Me

    Very, very nice, David! Here in the States, the "boutique" makers ignore the bolster, which, to me, adds immensely to the looks.
  16. T

    A very sensible sharpening system..

    Unglazed portion of a ceramic cup (turned upside down) also works.
  17. T

    Stanley Junk - type 20 6

    Shoulda sent it up my way, Dave, I woulda had one of my guys put it on my big surface grinder!
  18. T

    Paul Sellers and Old v New Tools

    At least a decade ago he and exchanged emails and, IIRC, I sent him some powdered metal for he and his wife to play with in their jewelry making. In the states, we got way too many self proclaimed experts, confusing simple tasks.
  19. T

    Paul Sellers and Old v New Tools

    Jacob wrote some of the wisest words regarding woodworking, that being "over-think-it". In the US, we have a cottage industry of instructors, be it in person classes, blogs/vlogs, magazines/books or what have you. All compete for our attention, all subscribing to what is old is now new...
  20. T

    Talking myself out of buying premium tools

    But, but, but David, don’t you know here in the states, we have many boutique toolmakers, that have figured out how to capture unicorn tears, that make their goods truly premium! Look at the handsaw makers that emerged (with as many folding) over the past two decades. Put aside the like of LN...