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  1. Froggy

    Router Problem

    Hi Bob. I've used at least 2 maybe 3 different collets all with the same result.
  2. Froggy

    Router Problem

    Happy New Year guys. I want to try to start the new year by solving a problem I have with my router. It's not a cheap router but everytime I want change a bit or the collet I have to resort to a hammer and yesterday a broke the bit trying to get it out. Once I tried to tighten the whole thing...
  3. Froggy

    Merry Christmas

    Well done Mike. I stopped over 20 years ago and to this day it helps give me confidence in myself...sort of 'if I can stop smoking I can do anything' attitude. Keep it up.
  4. Froggy

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas everyone, Froggy.
  5. Froggy

    Quangsheng Rebating Block Plane Passaround

    Thanks Frugal. I don't know who Matthew is or what he does, but it's a great idea. Froggy.
  6. Froggy

    Quangsheng Rebating Block Plane Passaround

    Thanks for the enlightenment Wizer, could've been useful, especially for an amature who's most expensive plane is about £25!! I could have a chance to see how the other half live :roll: Do forum members get a discount? Who ends up with the tool that's passed round? Does that go cheap? I sound...
  7. Froggy

    Quangsheng Rebating Block Plane Passaround

    Hi, I'm sure I couldn't be included in this (living in France) but I'm curious to know what the purpose of the passround is and what the 'usual rules' are please? Cheers Froggy.
  8. Froggy

    Best finish for exterior piece?

    Thanks Ian. I may well use that (Osmo) as Smith & Rodger post to France at reasonable rates. Thanks.
  9. Froggy

    Best finish for exterior piece?

    Thank you both for your advise. I'm glad now that I checked before going ahead with the finishing oil. I'll look at all the products you mention, but I do live in France and finding their equivalents may be difficult, but thank you again. Froggy.
  10. Froggy

    Best finish for exterior piece?

    Hi all, I'm almost finished making a garden bench and I'm planning on using Liberon finishing oil only. I don't want to spoil the grain at all because it's a beautiful looking piece of oak. Is the oil enough in itself to protect the bench or do I have to use something else? If it is ok how many...
  11. Froggy

    Birch £5 a plank 10'x6"x1" But we must be quick!

    Hi Chaps, I'm afraid it's gone up to £750 already and I suspect it will go for a bit more. So it's now out of range to make all the hassle worthwhile. Sorry. Froggy.
  12. Froggy

    Birch £5 a plank 10'x6"x1" But we must be quick!

    I'm in France, but my mate is in Accrington near Burnley in Lancashire.
  13. Froggy

    Birch £5 a plank 10'x6"x1" But we must be quick!

    A couple more responses like that and I may still go for it!
  14. Froggy

    Birch £5 a plank 10'x6"x1" But we must be quick!

    Thanks RogerS, never even thought of that!! I think I'll give it a miss any way due to the lack of response and the fact that I've just bought 2m3 of dried oak from my French neighbour. That gives me plenty to play with for a while!
  15. Froggy

    Birch £5 a plank 10'x6"x1" But we must be quick!

    Hi there is an auction on eBay today for 160 planks of birch link: ... 2a02c558ae The company selling is only 20/30 miles from a friend of mine with a lock up. What I propose is that I buy it (if the price is right); my friend picks it up and stores it...
  16. Froggy


    Thanks for that everyone. The reason I asked is that I bought some soft wood very cheaply from a liquidators that specialises in woodworking stock last year and he now has some Birch for auction. There's almost 2m3 in the formof 3m planks 6" x 1" (160 of them). That's far too much for me alone...
  17. Froggy


    Hi, Can anyone tell me if Birch is a nice wood to work with and how does it compare to...say Oak price wise? Thanks Tim.
  18. Froggy

    Beginners Section!!??

    Wizer I bet you get the dirty looks from the missus when you go to friends houses and start running your hands along the joints of the furniture or lay on the floor to look under the table!!
  19. Froggy

    Beginners Section!!??

    Thanks Bryn, I appreciate everyones help and tolerance. And I appreciate the 'Passion' you talk of - it's what attracted me to the site in the first place. To know that other people can get as existed as I can about wood was quite a revelation for me. When I come come in the house like the...
  20. Froggy

    Beginners Section!!??

    I seem to be saying all the wrong things!! I don't want to upset anyone and certainly don't want to put extra pressure on already busy people or mend something that isn't broken. I think it's a great site and am happy to just carry on as is. If you can put up with my annoying and sometimes...