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  1. Froggy

    Can anyone knock me one of these up by the weekend ?

    Do you just want the one 'cause I normally knock these out in batches? :D
  2. Froggy

    Udentified wood

    Thanks Phil and Pete. Dave I'm not sure I know what you mean, sorry! But I do have some Ash and it doesn't look anything like that. Having said that I have two different types of Cherry in stock that look completely different from each other.
  3. Froggy

    Udentified wood

    Just to add to the confusion I have found another unknown (to me) wood type in this pile I had given! I have taken another pic in better light: The wood on the left is oak, for comparison. The wood on the right is the piece that most people say is Elm and the one in the centre is something...
  4. Froggy

    Udentified wood

    Alright Mark, I'll bob all 5 planks in the post :D Carol you're right about the colour in the picture. I'll take another pic today in a better light and if it comes out alright I'll post it. By the way that's a great super power for a woodworker :)
  5. Froggy

    Udentified wood

    Thanks for your replies guys. The consensus seems to be Elm but the red oak would make more sense in one respect as I know it is grown locally, but I believe it is only used for coffins and I can't see a wheelwright using it. Elm is a suprise as I thought it was a lighter colour and I didn't...
  6. Froggy

    Udentified wood

    Hi Everyone, I was recently given some wood from an old barn. I think it was originally the stock of an old wheelwright. I have planed it yesterday and was surprised to find that it wasn't oak, but I'm not sure what it is. Any ideas:? Cheers Frggy.
  7. Froggy

    Compound mitre angles

    Hi everyone, As promised pics of the finished tray with the worst and best joint shown. It wasn't easy and I wasn't happy with the outcome, but my neighbour seemed happy and it was a freeby. I will revisit it and try to master the job but not for a while!! Cheers Froggy
  8. Froggy

    Compound mitre angles

    It's the least I can do. When it's finished I'll post some pics.
  9. Froggy

    Compound mitre angles

    I used tape on the trial run and I had already considered a spline to strengthen the joint. I think I shall have to do that for peace of mind. Thanks again guys.
  10. Froggy

    Compound mitre angles

    Hi SRP the angle wasn't 45 degrees. I forget now what they were, but I used the calculator that Marcros sent me and have successfully completed a trial run with MDF. Thank you all for your help. The trick is gluing the sides!!
  11. Froggy

    Compound mitre angles

    Thanks Macros, that's brilliant - exactly what I was looking for. And yes I have both a compound mitre saw and a digital angle finder. Cheers Froggy.
  12. Froggy

    Compound mitre angles

    Hi Everyone, My French neighbour has asked me to make a copy of this tray Confidently I said 'yes no problem'! Then afterwards I started to think about the angles of the compound mitre where the sides meet. The sides are not at 90 degrees to the base therefore it's not a straight forward 45...
  13. Froggy

    Fresh meat!

    Good luck Kev I'm sure you'll have fun and you've picked a good forum as I'm sure you know from you 'lurking'.
  14. Froggy

    Kity 1637 p/t

    Actually MM that did cross my mind and for some unknown reason I dismissed it. I'm going to test that before I do anything else. Thank you.
  15. Froggy

    Kity 1637 p/t

    Thanks Alex I'll look into that. Simon the roller is getting clogged up with chippings/dust in about 10 passes and then won't move the wood at all. After I clean the roller the wood passes through fine for another 10 passes (gradually getting worse with each pass). So it must be this roller...
  16. Froggy

    Kity 1637 p/t

    Yep you're right Al - I'll try them again tomorrow when I have the part number.
  17. Froggy

    Kity 1637 p/t

    Thanks for that Davin. I have already been on the powertoolspares site and they don't do them. I can't find any on the NMA site either but I'll try and find the part number in my manual tomorrow and do another search.
  18. Froggy

    SM crown guard

    Hi Doug, I've only just collected the guards from my friend in Sheffield. They are great. They don't fit my SM but a couple of drilled and threaded holes and they will!! Much appreciated Doug - I owe you one! All the best Tim.
  19. Froggy

    Kity 1637 p/t

    Hi all, does anyone know where I can get a serated infeed roller for a Kity 1637 p/t please? I've Googled it but found nothing. T.I.A. Froggy.
  20. Froggy

    Building a wooden cow!!

    I suppose one of the questions I have to ask is how many they want. If it's just one or two I could consider 3D life like cows but any more than that will probably have to be 2D from a template.