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  1. OPJ

    Ash / ebony Cheval mirror

    A great end result! Really like the overall shape. :)
  2. OPJ

    Sash clamps and G-clamps - Where from?

    These Expert Sash Clamps from Toolstation really aren't bad at all, for the money. I'd recommend spending a little extra on these over the cheaper, lightweight, aluminium cramps. Still, I wouldn't like to say that they're quite up there with the Record clamps! :wink:
  3. OPJ

    Laptop Table

    Nicely done. How many coats of the hard wax oil did you apply, just out of interest? I've found that, unlike Danish oil (which can need three or four on oak), you can get a very good finish after only two and that any further coats don't seem to soak in as much. Great finish, though. :)
  4. OPJ

    Shaker End Tables

    That looks like a good repair with the epoxy. Do you have a 'before' photo? It will be interesting to see how it turns out once you've oiled it (I have no idea how epoxy or if epoxy reacts to finishes?). I've got a couple of large knots (more like cracks!) on the walnut seat of a chair I'm...
  5. OPJ

    Stickley Morris Chair - finished

    John, you can make pretty good 'imitation' cookies from discs of MDF and bits of rubber matting (Andy King did this in Good Woodworking a few months ago). But, the mesh on the cookies is much finer and doesn't appear to mark the work in the same way that an 'oily' mat can when you're sanding...
  6. OPJ

    Table Saw Side Extension - WIP

    Looks like a good solution, Richard. Perhaps more "convenient" that Steve Maskery's own design but, if you really wanted, with the weight capacities of those brackets, you could also build a torsion box-style construction for the support table. I like Chems' idea of lipping the edges. You may...
  7. OPJ

    Breathing dust

    I see the ADE2200 primarily as a chip collector/extractor. The standard top filter is only a cloth bag, meaning that any dine dust escapes back in to your working atmosphere. You can buy a replacement cartridge filter (0.5 microns, I think?) but, it's not cheap. Airflow is significant to the...
  8. OPJ

    new workshop roof

    As far as a roof covering goes, Mike Garnham used to speak very highly of Onduline. Your local builder's merchant should be able to offer this or something similar (I think Coroline is another name?). Felt won't last more than a few years before you've either got to patch it or replace it. ...
  9. OPJ

    Stickley Morris Chair - finished

    Good to see another Bench Cookie convert (there have been several others, lately! :D). Your first image demonstrates another reason why they are excellent - you probably would have had to clear most of your bench first if you were using an ordinary rubber mat! Also, they'll support "any" length...
  10. OPJ

    Waxing P/T Bed ??

    I'm also a fan of PTFE spray and regularly use the cheap stuff from Toolstation (well, it's the lowest price that I've seen). A coat of wax is good but not always practical when you want to leave the machine running! :D It's not only pine but most other timbers can 'stick' to the bed once the...
  11. OPJ

    Oh dear, bandsaw blade goes airborne...

    Well, I got home about an hour ago with more energy left than usual so, I decided I couldn't wait until the weekend and have just been out to true up the wheel. It was dead simple with 60g paper, even adding the camber (counting the number of rotations on each edge). The join isn't as bad as I...
  12. OPJ

    Shaker End Tables

    You'll be able to do so much more with a bandsaw... Book-matching, veneering, accurate shaping in thick stock where a jigsaw blade might flex - you know that purchase is going to make a lot of sense! :wink: As far as I recall, the oil arrived from The Turner's Workshop next day. Either that, or...
  13. OPJ

    Timber storage brackets - help

    Thanks, Steve, that looks brilliant - I've been meaning to ask you more about that for ages! Has the same design been featured in one of the American magazines?
  14. OPJ

    Irwin Blue Groove Augers

    I used one of these Wood Beavers (they look very similar) on my workbench top last year and it was lethal yet awesome at the same time! :D I used a main-powered Metabo SDS drill held vertically in a Wolfcraft guide. But, even with both hands on the drill, it was racing to get away from me!! I...
  15. OPJ

    Shaker End Tables

    Chems, you may find that Richard Findley is the only one supplying Chestnut's hard wax oil at the minute... It doesn't appear to be available at Axminster or Classic Hand Tools yet. Pete, I'd be lying if I said that hadn't already crossed my mind! :D But, even with a smaller lathe, I'd have to...
  16. OPJ

    Oh dear, bandsaw blade goes airborne...

    My order from S&S (placed about 24 hours earlier) arrived at 8am this morning - very impressed! :) What I did in the end was to cut it over length, offer it to the wheel and temporarily held it in place with masking tape, while I marked the the cut (I had to do this at least three times...
  17. OPJ

    Pine gummed-up bandsaw

    Oven cleaner's supposed to be good at removing pitch and resin like this. Remove the blade, coil it, place it in a bowl, spray it and leave it for a while. That should at least free it up so that you can brush it off. I've also known diesel to be used in sawmills, but those are huge resaws -...
  18. OPJ

    Steve Maskerys Wood working DVDS

    :D I have to admit, that also bothered me at first - but, you do get used to hearing it!! :wink: :)
  19. OPJ

    New kitchen WIP (AKA I need a bigger workshop!)

    I couldn't complain if I had a workshop that big!! :shock: That bandsaw looks interesting, as well! :wink: Good progress so far, for weekend. What saw blade did you use when you cut the veneered boards?
  20. OPJ

    Workbench from recycled timber

    Great use of materials! Don't worry about 'copying' my dog hole arrangement - I take it as a form of flattery :D (though, it's hardly unique! :wink:). I think I set mine at 200mm centres but, there have been times where I wish I'd made that only 150mm. Two rows works well (one front, one back)...