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  1. N

    Which Coffee Machine?

    Great machines, but no-one who’s unsure what kind of machine to buy should be lured into spending £3,000. Especially when you can get a very good dual boiler for a lot less than that and even more especially when a dual boiler is overkill for most people. Even people keen on good coffee. Like...
  2. N

    Which Coffee Machine?

    Gs do indeed come in 2 types: - Blade grinders simply have 2 (sometimes 3) spinning blades that chop the beans. Your only control is how long you grind for - longer grinding time = finer coffee. If you want a fine grind (needed for espresso), the long grind time can generate heat which impairs...
  3. N

    Which Coffee Machine?

    It all depends what you want. Full disclosure - I have a part time job that includes selling coffee machines. What kind of coffee do you want (filter, cafetiere, espresso etc)? Is the priority cost, quality or convenience?
  4. N

    Router advice please....

    Sure - that makes sense. I'd just assumed that, once one has the router, one looks for opportunities to use it. But a single good router bit would be a sensible option
  5. N

    Router advice please....

    You'll probably be fine with something like this Katsu - not expensive, comes on its own or (for about £80) with various accessories. There's also a cordless version, if that's important (a bit more expensive). For what you want, it'll do the job - and is a decent option for a wider range of...
  6. N

    Help please - truing the edges of a box

    Long time since I posted the OP, and thanks for all the helpful suggestion. This is the way I eventually (today) went. A simple sled, with a known straight edge. Strip of offcut taped to the sled to give me an accurate reference for the sides. Much looking and thinking between cuts. Lessons...
  7. N

    FFX discount code

    True - but the full £75 discount gets up to over £1000, so it's not terrible
  8. N

    FFX discount code

    Their prices do go up and down, especially on eBay, and especially when eBay are pushing one of their discounts. That said, I’ve found discounts on their own website to be genuine
  9. N

    Metabo 254 m

    I think Banggood do smaller t-track nuts.
  10. N

    Metabo 254 m

    Is that 19mm across the top of the track, or across the the bottom (which I assume is wider)?
  11. N

    FFX discount code

    No, but they're doing 15% off some of their stuff on Ebay, if that's any help
  12. N

    Honda CRV 2019 1.5 Vtec turbo

    Probably a bit late - but we're on our 3rd CR-V and couldn't be happier. The first 2 were diesels (2008 and 2012) and the latest is a 2019 hybrid. We've never had a problem. We've had one recall (airbag). Also it's important to note that the website you linked is in the USA, and their cars have...
  13. N

    Jointer and thicknesser options

    Perhaps you highly intelligent folk can help me make up my mind. I want a thicknesser and a jointer and I can't decide which is the best option: Cheapest, and least space usage: Thicknesser (probably Metabo DH330) and use router table (which I already have) as jointer. I just don't know whether...
  14. N

    Which Table Saw?

    If this is on your list, have a look at the Hikoki - you might decide to go in a different direction, but it's extremely good value and works very well. It's essentially a DeWalt 7492 but a lot cheaper
  15. N

    Starter table saw

    Yes. Sheets, even half sheets, can be hard to handle on a not-very-big table saw (speaking from experience here). Track saw (or circular saw with guide) and seam cheap foam under neath is easier. Maybe - certainly possible I use my table saw a lot. I prefer it for ripping to width (as against...
  16. N

    Help please - truing the edges of a box

    Might give that a go - if I can't split the sides apart and regale. Since the only alternative would be starting again, I might as well have a go. Won't be until later this week - not something I want to do in a rush. Thanks
  17. N

    Help please - truing the edges of a box

    I got the lengths right (clever me!). When I tighten the clamps on the glue up, there was s tiny bit of movement that raised one of the side pieces slightly so at the top edge it's that .5mm proud of the adding side at the top (and the converse - .5mm shy at the bottom). It's only visible of you...
  18. N

    Help please - truing the edges of a box

    If I can find a way to sand/plane under control I think it'll be square. It's the control of the process that's the issue for me. Starting again is, I suppose, the sensible way. But this is the second try in itself (I screwed up differently the first time, but not ensuring the individual side...
  19. N

    Help please - truing the edges of a box

    Hi all - I need some help from people with more experience and wisdom than me (that'll be most of yo, I expect). I'm making a wooden trinket/gift box, 200mm on a side, 25mm oak. It's my first serious attempt at precision woodworking and I've run into a problem (well - many problems actually...