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  1. Knot Competent

    MS Outlook help please

    Thanks for your help, Ray. Yup, that works. But as I only do this from time to time, I'm in danger of forgetting Control-C then Control-V. Surely I'm not expecting the earth from a programme that costs some hundreds of pounds, to hope that exporting an address from an address data base to a...
  2. Knot Competent

    MS Outlook help please

    Well I didn't know that, Ray. But even if I did, I'm a lazy beggar and want to be able to drag and drop, which I can do with one finger on the mouse. Your method forces me to use both hands! Surely I'm not asking too much from Outlook to be able to do that?
  3. Knot Competent

    MS Outlook help please

    No, I have the Tasks button. I want clipboard, so I can copy an address from Contacts and then paste it into a Word document. I'm sure I had Clipboard there on a previous computer, many moons ago. I use Contacts to store business contacts, and Lotus Organiser for my real life stuff.
  4. Knot Competent

    MS Outlook help please

    I've tried, I really have! But I can't work out how to add Clipboard to the list down the left-hand side of Outlook shortcuts. I'm using Windows 2000 and Office XP. And this is only one of the many reasons I so much prefer Lotus Organiser - it's friendly toward me, which I can never say about...
  5. Knot Competent

    Do vari focal glasses really get easier?

    I collected my first pair of trifocal varifocals about three months ago, Jonathan, and I found I got used to them fairly quickly. But you learn to not swivel your eyes so much, and turn your head a bit more. I sometimes get exasperated when I'm trying to read something - nod my head up and...
  6. Knot Competent

    Has any one any idea's

    Can offer you, free of charge, a brand new 18" Trinitron monitor if you're in the Bristol/Somerset area. John
  7. Knot Competent

    I know its childish but

    I was excited to receive a DVD on The Lancaster Bomber, but was disappointed that it was 45 minutes of war footage, and about 10 minutes on the aircraft itself. I also received three books on beekeeping, one a duplicate. Anyone want a hardback copy of "Guide to Bees and Honey" by Ted Hooper? John
  8. Knot Competent

    Smoothing edges of cut glass

    It all depends on what you're using the glass for. If you want to smooth the edge because it will be exposed, there's a real case for using toughened glass, which ensures the edges are smoother than you can achieve with a stone or abrasive paper. And I can buy toughened glass cheaper than I...
  9. Knot Competent

    Help required please, guys and gals!

    Yes to your first paragraph. The thickness varies between about an eighth to three-sixteenths of an inch, body and front the same. No, it's not too late to change anything, but that's how it's built at present, and is very workable. The gel coat on the inside means it's easy to wipe clean...
  10. Knot Competent

    Help required please, guys and gals!

    Yes, that's it, Dave. The body of the vivarium is essentially a five-faced cube with a few refinements, which has a front rim about 12mm wide which enables it to be bonded to the back of the front, if that makes sense. It's the panel at the bottom across the full width (well, except for a...
  11. Knot Competent

    Help required please, guys and gals!

    Dave, I can't work out how to get a .skp from my D drive to an e-mail. When I right-click on the file name it will let me sent it to a Yahoo e-mail (which I use.) Please may I have your e-mail address to try it.
  12. Knot Competent

    Help required please, guys and gals!

    Wot, and have you laugh at my pathetic use of Sketchup? I'll try to attach a picture. OK, that was a total failure. I've realised I just don't know how to put a picture in this text :oops: Nope, can't cut and paste it as a jpeg either. HELP!!
  13. Knot Competent

    Help required please, guys and gals!

    Some of you may have picked up that I manufacture vivariums. I'm in the process of a new design, the front frame of which (glassfibre) has a panel which needs to be stiffened. This will require a piece of material 18 - 24mm thick, 3 - 4" wide across the width of the viv, on the inside, to...
  14. Knot Competent

    Two-part superglue

    Thanks, Mark. I received my new Screwfix catalogue yesterday, and looked under "adhesives" but missed it. Does this mean I'm getting to the point where I really shouldn't be using superglue anyway? :lol: John
  15. Knot Competent

    Two-part superglue

    I know some of you use this adhesive, with an activator spray, for mitre joints on picture frames etc. I use it for fixing plastic tracking in glassfibre vivariums, and quite effective it is! I usually get my supplies from Winzer Wurth, but their prices are increasing to the point where I'd...
  16. Knot Competent

    Race Track in a Bowl?

    Don't know if you've come across it, Dave, but most of the UK comes with much more clarity and detail on , including Holmsley. Regards, John
  17. Knot Competent

    Race Track in a Bowl?

    Back in the '60's Holmsley still had bits of runway remaining, and was where people would go to teach others how to drive. I did some of my early driving practice there, and a few years later some courting, but we'll skim quickly over that! Regards, John
  18. Knot Competent

    Secrets of plywood.

    What's a sculpting blade, Drew? John
  19. Knot Competent

    Dinghy Plans

    Mick, take a look at The D4 dinghy plans are free. Or you can buy the full plans for $35US, which made life easier when I built one of these about six years ago. It's stitch-and-glue construction; having cut the ply to shape you wire the edges together then...
  20. Knot Competent

    Friday SketchUp Tips

    Thanks Dave. This sort of thing will give me confidence to explore the boundaries of my knowledge. I too haven't dared to try different layers yet, but will do now. Regards, John