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  1. Knot Competent

    Trend Mortice & Tenon Jig

    Philly or Neil, Following your tip of not worrying too much about an accurate centre line, just keeping all the joints the same by always putting wood in the jig with face toward you, what do you do if you need to cut tenons with a haunch on one side? Reveal the mysteries please, wood wizards...
  2. Knot Competent

    Trend Mortice & Tenon Jig

    Thanks for that, Neil. Explains one or two slight discrepancies. There's a lot to learn in a short time! Regards, John
  3. Knot Competent

    Trend Mortice & Tenon Jig

    I've worked it out. The setup bar slides from one end of the mortise to the other, limits set by the size you're cutting e.g. half-inch. Sort of fiddley for a load of mortises, thought it would be simpler. Still, it's a time-saver on a long run of the same thing, so worth the money in the...
  4. Knot Competent

    Trend Mortice & Tenon Jig

    Thanks for your reply, Philly. Yes, I've successfully cut the tenons, and the wood is all the same thickness. But what do you line the mortise up with? For them to be in the right place, what do my two pencil lines locate to? Maybe I'm having a Senior moment, but it just isn't obvious...
  5. Knot Competent

    Trend Mortice & Tenon Jig

    Anyone got any experience of this jig? Just got mine, and can't work out how to register the timber to the jig in order to cut the mortice in the right place. Have studied the book but can't seem to find the answer. Any help would be appreciated as I need to get on with the mortises first...
  6. Knot Competent

    Does anyone know?

    Cor, thanks Steve!! Just what I need! Could it be.... ahem!.. that you interest in latex is, how can I put this delicately, more personal than practical? :oops: I've just realised I'm such a technical whizz-kid that I can't even get one of those emoticons to appear in my text! How sad is...
  7. Knot Competent

    Does anyone know?

    How to make rubber moulds? I need to make quite a few of a small (2" x 1" x 1") simple-shaped item out of epoxy resin, and wonder if anyone has experience in making moulds. I can vaguely remember from decades ago that you could make a mould of rubber over something, then peel it off when it had...
  8. Knot Competent

    Board cutting help needed

    I recently went to visit the guy who supplies our glass. He also makes cages out of contiboard, and gets his board cut to size for him by a local joinery works. I didn't say anything to him, but I was GREEN with envy! The stack of boards was (forgetting the material) superb in how square and...
  9. Knot Competent

    What job do you do?

    I design and make plugs from which glassfibre vivariums are manfactured. It's brilliant because it gives me all the excuses I need to spend as much time in my workshop as I want. And as the business grows it'll mean more money to spend on TOOLS!!! Regards, John
  10. Knot Competent

    The ups and downs of routing

    Thanks, Dave. I can understand that. I'm grateful for you taking the trouble to explain. I'm off to the workshop!!! Well, not JUST now, maybe tomorrow... Regards, John
  11. Knot Competent

    The ups and downs of routing

    Dave, thanks for taking the trouble to photograph your setup, but I have to be honest and confess that I can't work out what does what. Please can you explain it simply? I'm a bit bewildered by all those bits of wood/mdf, and can't see whats at the bottom of the copper pipe. But if it works...
  12. Knot Competent

    The ups and downs of routing

    Tony, I thought you'd NEVER get involved in this! No bits to French polish on this one, surely? I look forward to seeing what you come up with, but please keep it simple as my skill levels clearly aren't up to yours. Regards, John
  13. Knot Competent

    The ups and downs of routing

    I hate to sound picky, but I thought at least one of you would come up with a brilliant idea for a home-made mechanism that would involve expenditure of time over money, and involving several of those bits of other people's junk that were saved because "that'll come in handy one day". I'll get...
  14. Knot Competent

    The ups and downs of routing

    I have learned so much from this forum, and enjoyed the cameraderie/Kameraderie, well the companionship of fellow wood manglers as I went. It’s encouraged me to attempt to do things I never dreamed I could do, and for this I’m very grateful to you all. Well, having got that out of the way, I...
  15. Knot Competent

    Chameleon cage

    Thanks, Bean and Woodshaving. I was hoping you'd come up with a cheaper supplier than RS! Still, better than none, eh? Regards, John
  16. Knot Competent

    Chameleon cage

    I've searched the Axminster catalogue from cover to cover in a vain search for the elusive square section aluminium tubing that Bean said was there, but from a phone call to them I learned they've never stocked it. Bean, could you please rack your brain to remember where you saw it? And...
  17. Knot Competent


    Thanks, I don't have the time to browse more than one or two areas here, never ventured in that one before! John
  18. Knot Competent


    Anyone got info as to why they aren't accepting orders until Sunday? I know they're closing down at Yeovil at some point, but didn't get the inpression it was happening this soon. John
  19. Knot Competent

    New workshop

    Nice size - I thought mine was huge at 30' x 20'. However, I laughed out loud when I saw all the blocks under the workbench legs! Is that a spindle moulder? I promise not to be jealous of that if you send me the second morticer immediately. You can't possibly need two.... Congratulations...
  20. Knot Competent

    Chameleon cage

    Thanks Bean, just what I was after. By coincidence, my first Axminster catalogue arrived yesterday, but I've been too busy to do more than look for a good saw table fence. I was going to browse at the weekend, but SWMBO has other plans for me! My first post was ambiguous, but I wasn't going...