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  1. Knot Competent

    Rising damp

    I'll let you know, as I'm getting a dehumidifier next week. Can't see that it can make the situation worse, and may improve it considerably. I need to get to a position where I can redecorate the room - it looks terrible at the moment, and I need to take some action short of a total replaster...
  2. Knot Competent

    which is the preferred way to machine tenons?

    The Trend M & T jig will only do max. 4" x 2" timber - unfortunately! Regards, John
  3. Knot Competent

    ELM TREES for the taking!

    You'd be lucky to get more than a box od matches in the boot of an MG! Regards, John
  4. Knot Competent

    Guess the Gender of the Birds

    Seen it before, but you just can't help laughing! (Unless SHE's looking...) :) Regards, John
  5. Knot Competent

    Rising damp

    Wait until you're not sure of your OWN name, Noel!
  6. Knot Competent

    Rising damp

    Thanks for all your trouble, Adam. Some interesting stuff there. It seems a gravel-filled trench along the wall is a necessary way to go. And why am I up at this time of night? Woke up just now in a cold sweat over my current project, an alligator enclosure for a client which needs to be...
  7. Knot Competent

    Rising damp

    Thanks, guys. This thread has opened up some interesting avenues to explore, but feel free to give a further opinion on any aspect of this. I'm glad that there are others of you living in places of character, rather than breeze block modern shoe boxes. I'm getting a dehumidifier as soon as...
  8. Knot Competent

    Rising damp

    Our 130-year-old cottage has external walls of lumps of granite bedded in mortar, and is rendered externally and plastered internally. There isn't a damp-proof course. We have, of course, got rising damp, which shows as an irregular line on the plaster about three feet above the ground floor...
  9. Knot Competent

    The seasons are out of kilter!

    My word, we HAVE moved a long way from primroses!
  10. Knot Competent

    Woodwork magazines

    But why?
  11. Knot Competent

    Woodwork magazines

    I've been offered a year's subscription to a mag. Don't want to start a war, but which would you choose? My preference would be for a British magazine, but what do you think? Regards, John
  12. Knot Competent

    My first ever project!

    How could you? You turned the beer bottle so we can't see the label. Bet you bought it at Tescos and it's not proper Dutch beer! How will your windmill be powered? Regards, John
  13. Knot Competent

    Drawing programs

    I'll second the suggestion of SketchUp. I found it a few months ago, and enjoy using it. I'm non-technical where computers and programmes are concerned, but I use SketchUp to good effect, with pleasing results (pleasing for me and for clients). As has been said, there's a free trial version...
  14. Knot Competent

    Router table top idea

    Sorry Tony, I don't understand. You ran the RAS (radial arm saw?) over the lot. No, I can't picture that. Please explain? Thanks, John PS I use the end of a candle to lubricate planer/thicknesser and my router table and fence, but it doesn't seem to stick to the ali plate very well. But...
  15. Knot Competent

    Router table top idea

    I too made my own router table as cheaply as possible, and made my mounting plate from a piece of aluminium. However I find it often marks the timber passed over it with a greyish mark. I presume this is the surface of the aluminium oxydising, and don't know a solution. Regards, John
  16. Knot Competent

    The seasons are out of kilter!

    This morning I spotted some clumps of primroses in a lane near my home. A beautiful sight, but just a little early, don't you think? Regards, John
  17. Knot Competent

    Triton Router

    Is that one for under the table and one for everything else?
  18. Knot Competent

    Triton Router

    Hi DW, Glad to hear you're a happy Triton owner. But please don't advertise Devon too much as it's filling up with other enlightened people, which means that good wood is becoming more difficult to find, and more expensive when you can find it! I recently bought the Trend mortice and tenon...
  19. Knot Competent

    Triton Router

    Thanks for that, David. Better I know before, but I'm still going for the Triton because a) the Trend T9 is considerably more money b) maybe I have a mental block but I just can't shake the feeling that with DeWalt you're paying extra for the name, and c) I love the look and the capabilities...
  20. Knot Competent

    Triton Router

    If anyone has one of these, can you please tell me if Trend accessories fit direct to the router, or if I'm going to need an adaptor plate for my Trend guide bushes to attach to. There, did that make sense after three Stellas? And if you do have the Triton, did it meet your expectations...