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  1. Knot Competent


    Welcome, Malc, but you obviously haven't read the Terms and Conditions of posting here. You aren't allowed to mention Norm's name until you've been posting here for at least six months. :( Also, any mention of the tools and machinery you own, which amounts to a Gloat, not allowed for six...
  2. Knot Competent

    Trend T11 Table Router

    Never having knowingly met one, I can't say. But they do have a worrying ability to become evangelists, and with the vehemence (?sp?) and intensity of Rev. Ian Paisley, heightened only when someone mentions the word Leigh! It's a larf, innit? John
  3. Knot Competent

    Trend T11 Table Router

    I read that too, but why go for that when the Triton is designed specifically for under a table, and is easily adjustable by simply turning a handle. The Triton is cheaper too. I've just had a frightening thought - I'm beginning to sound like a Woodrat owner! Think I'll shut up now. John
  4. Knot Competent

    Advice needeed on leaking roof

    You're a busy guy, Mike. If you run mastic down the edge, it might well seal and thereby solve the leak problem, but water would sit in the overlap and go green, which wouldn't look good and would annoy you for years. Having said that, I'm sorry but I don't know the answer to this. Hope...
  5. Knot Competent

    Triton 1/2" router

    I've already been in touch with Triton to tell them of my problem, and their initial suggestion was a locking nut. Anyone with a Triton router will tell you that a locking nut will severely limit the depth of cut possible. So I've replied, telling them of Neil's brilliantly simple suggestion...
  6. Knot Competent

    Triton 1/2" router

    Yep, that works Ray, and thank you for taking the trouble to expain in more detail. I've just been back to the workshop and tried it out. It's like so many of these things, why didn't I think of that? That should ensure that all my tenons come out exactly the same length. Thanks again. John
  7. Knot Competent

    Triton 1/2" router

    One of the things I love about this forum is that it brings together so many people of both sexes from a wide variety of experience and training, all prepared to contribute freely for the common good. So when I posted this problem of mine, I was optimistic that a solution was out there, and...
  8. Knot Competent

    Triton 1/2" router

    Nice picture! Yes, that is where my problem is. As you say, it is ingenious and simple to use. However I often cut thirty or more tenons at a time using the Trend M & T jig, and during this time the plastic thumbwheels travel downwards due to the vibration. If I were to use a locking nut it...
  9. Knot Competent

    Triton 1/2" router

    On the depth stop turret there are two threaded rods, each has a plastic thumbwheel which you can adjust to control depth of cut, and the depth stop descends onto whichever of the two you've swiveled the turret to engage with it. The plastic thumbwheels have taken to vibrating down the thread...
  10. Knot Competent

    Triton 1/2" router

    Thanks for the advice DW, I've now registered and done that. I'll let you know if I get a concrete reply. John
  11. Knot Competent

    Triton 1/2" router

    I bought one of these routers three months ago, and love it for it's power, smoothness and accuracy, and also for the ability to wind it down into the wood rather than having to plunge. I don't like the noise level, or it's weight when hand-held. However, this wasn't intended to be a review...
  12. Knot Competent

    How many candles are burning?

    The time to worry, Alf, is when you can only count a few dark ones!
  13. Knot Competent

    Squaring the end of Contiplas panels

    Yep, seen them Chas. I'll try a couple back-to-back on a flat surface to make sure they're square before I buy. Thanks for your trouble, John
  14. Knot Competent

    Squaring the end of Contiplas panels

    Thanks Chas, that's a good idea. I'll go for that, to set up an accurate jig. But I can't picture the jig in my mind, which is why I need a nudge in the right direction as to how to go about making the jig. Just running the router along a clamped piece of Contiboard won't enable easy multiple...
  15. Knot Competent

    How many candles are burning?

    Like Aldel, I'm going to hit (or be hit by!) the big 60 later this year. However unlike Aldel retirement is unlikely for at least 30 more years, as our son, who despite my efforts over the years thinks a chisel is only good for lifting lids of paint cans, has a knack of dreaming up projects to...
  16. Knot Competent

    Squaring the end of Contiplas panels

    OK guys and gals, I need some wisdom from those who have gone before.. An imminent project requires me to hack a couple of sheets of the dread Contiplas into pieces, and make the ends dead square. As both my table saw and circular saw will leave poor edges, due to a need for new blades, my...
  17. Knot Competent

    Yandles show

    Me too. Devon's going to be half-empty!
  18. Knot Competent

    Rising damp

    Roger, you've come up trumps. Thanks for your time. Interesting idea, but the letters of commendation from existing customers seemed less than whole-hearted - seemed to be saying "less damp in places, but early days yet". As the company have been marketing in the UK for some years I'd have...
  19. Knot Competent

    Rising damp

    That sounds interesting, Roger. I'd be grateful for contact details. Regards, John
  20. Knot Competent

    Rising damp

    Roger I understand your theory, but I need to take action as the present situation is driving my wife nuts. No, it isn't just me that is sending her that way! So, the cheapest action to start with is the dehumidifier. After that is the stripping of the walls up to 3 feet minimum, and...