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  1. D

    Help wanted choosing hollowing tools

    I didn't realise that they had a laser attachment - now that would be really useful and a real stress reliever whilst coring. Given the price though I'll have a go at making my own first. Now why didn't I think of it sooner! Duncan
  2. D

    Help wanted choosing hollowing tools

    Whilst I really like my Munro tool I would say that it isn't suitable for boxes unless you make big ones. The standard tool is just too big for that. I believe that there's now a smaller one available though. Even if you get one the right size it still may not be suitable - I find that the...
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    Spalted Holly:

    I was lucky enough to get some spalted holly a few years back and it was stunning. I think it may have started whilst the tree was still living as the log had a dead knot in it that had been open to the elements. I kept some of the shavings but couldn't get it to spread to other wood. Duncan
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    I've just been to Aladin's Cave

    I'm surprised to hear that Hexhamshire Hardwoods are still going - I tried contacting them a couple of times last year when I needed some timber and they didn't answer the phone. I heard from a couple of sources that they'd closed As far as I remember turners from the Northumberland club...
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    Terry Scott Winged Bowls

    I remembered this morning - there's an article in Woodturning magazine issue 179 from October last year which shows how to turn a box using this technique. He doesn't use the skew to separate the wings but Arbortechs away the unwanted parts and then power sands them. If I was to try using a...
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    Terry Scott Winged Bowls

    I'd guess that the tails are made by turning the top as a hollow form rather than just a wing and then cutting most of it away. From what I remember the cutting away of wings is done with a cutter in an angle grinder and then lots of power sanding (with the lathe stationary!)
  7. D

    More recent turnings (by Duncan)

    Thanks Pete. I'd thought of future projects with different coloured rope so manilla could be just what I'm after.
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    More recent turnings (by Duncan)

    Thanks for the all the positive comments. Pete - where do you get your manilla rope from. (btw - if you like knots, have you seen this site for shoe laces ) Here are a couple more to show that ash isn't always bland... Ash, 26cm diameter, chestnut finishing oil, buffed Ash, 34cm diameter...
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    More recent turnings (by Duncan)

    Here's some more... 10cm square Ash These started out as a single piece of wood. I thought the figuring would best be displayed on a shallow platter so I decided to rip the blank in half on the bandsaw and make a matching set. 10cm square Elm The edges have been textured with a wire brush...
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    More recent turnings (by Duncan)

    Thanks for the comments. My original plan had been to try a small wooden disc or perhaps leather rather than the knot, but when I took it home to my dad's without the ebony ends and used a temporary knot to hold then together the consensus was that it looked good as it was. I should probably...
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    More recent turnings (by Duncan)

    Crikey! I didn't realise it had been so long since I'd posted any work. Here's something I made recently Oak bowl, sisal rope with ebony ends. Chestnut finishing oil, buffed 28cm diameter, 10cm deep The reason I added the rope was to hide some cracks across the top surface of the piece. I...
  12. D

    Anyone make Peppermills for Sale?

    Just thought I'd post this link to pepper grinders that I found for sale whilst looking for more Crush Grind mechanisms - Follow the 'Finished Mills, etc' link at the top You'll see prices from £20 up to £80 Obviously these aren't being sold at a craft fair...
  13. D

    My first turned bowls for comment

    Nice work and a good variety of shapes. I particularly like the yew one. A good start after only a month.
  14. D

    centre finder

    I use the device in Paul's link. For larger blanks I've made a right angle with a 45degree leg out of ply, it's about 60cm square. Logs that aren't round I use a pair of compasses Duncan
  15. D

    Goblet - and advice please

    I use the Super 32 live centre which can be seen here The revolving faceplate lets you turn any shape to use as a live centre, and you could then cover that with router mat or similar
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    Finishing Natural Edge Bowls

    As has been said, a piece of card or sometimes a black bin bag behind the spinning edge help to see where you are cutting and where there's air. Once the wood is balanced I turn the speed up as fast as is comfortable to minimise the time that tool is in the air. Don't try to rub the bevel when...
  17. D

    Robert Sorby Shear Scrapers

    If the tips do need sharpening don't do it on the grinder as you normally would and they'll quickly disappear - lap them on a diamond stone or similar. When I use shear scrapers I don't have the handle up as a normal scraper - keep the handle down below the centre and pull the scraper. The tip...
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    Anyone make Peppermills for Sale?

    Sorry Chris, I wasn't trying to get at you. I just don't like to see people under valuing their work. I should say that I've never tried to sell at a craft show, but I can understand the need to charge a price that will actually sell. Out of interest - do you make your living wholly from...
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    Anyone make Peppermills for Sale?

    My customers are either friends or people I meet through my juggling hobby. They appreciate the craft involved in making my grinders and the time and skill needed to get the unique product which I provide. The grinders aren't your typical shape - 50cm tall, approx 9cm diameter. 6 pieces of...
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    Anyone make Peppermills for Sale?

    I can't believe that you're charging so little for the finished grinder. How much does the wood cost, how much for the abrasive, the finish, tool wear etc, time? You may not be able to compete price-wise with mass produced wooden ones but if you try to make yours distinctive in some way that...