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  1. D

    Turning Time in 2009

    If you take the wheels off a skate or board then they will have a pair of bearings . If you buy the wheels separately then they probably won't. Boots and boards regularly come up of Freecycle and you often find them in charity shops. I picked up a mini board with 4 wheels for under £5. Duncan
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    Bowl Savers

    Just a quick update - I've just heard from Toolpost that they've posted the laser guide, so they probably had a delivery of savers as well
  3. D

    Bowl Savers

    I have the Kelton/McNaughton system and I like it for it's versatility. I don't use it often but when I have it's worked well. It's a still a little stressful worrying about going through the bottom with it (only done it once so far, but been close a couple of times) but I'm improving. The Mike...
  4. D

    deep hollowing tools

    I have several hollowing tools that I use according to what works best on the day - variables include wood type, dryness, grain orientation, overhang. I like the Munro tool but it can sometimes clog in dry wood. It's much better with wet but can still sometimes clog. It's good for a beginner as...
  5. D


    I've used some once and it was pretty straightforward. I wasn't after a finely finished piece so was happy with the rough finish that I got. The product I used was called Polymorph and I got it from Ebay (I tried to give a link but for some reason it's not working - search for Polymorph on Ebay)...
  6. D

    How thick do pen blanks need to be ?

    You should be able to make pens with these as long as you do as Malcolm suggests with the drilling under length and then cutting off. It's slow going though, and you'll need a very sharp bit. I have a load of ebony piano keys that are between 10 and 12mm thick and have successfully made many...
  7. D

    Speaker Designer seeks cabinet maker

    Anybody else having trouble getting to the website Using OpenDNS as my DNS server it can't find it. Using automatic connection through my provider (Virgin Media) it also can't find it (Addre I can't ping it either, whilst I can ping eg. this site. Not that I can offer help...
  8. D

    I have completed my website!

    Resizing the images would help you use less web space and bandwidth, and so save money...:) You could probably get some software to batch resize them for you. I know Photoshop can do it with actions.
  9. D

    More turnings from Duncan

    I can't remember for sure what I used to hollow, but it was probably a combination of the Munro tool and some home made hollowing bars with HSS cutters made from planer blades. As for things in this area - there's a Northumberland club that meets near Blythe every month. Check out our website...
  10. D

    Nottingham clubs / turners

    Sorry for the delay in responding to you Lightweeder - I missed this thread. There's a Northumberland club that meets near Blythe every month. Check out the website at We have guest demonstrators more or less every other month. I think there's also a...
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    More turnings from Duncan

    Thanks for the comments everyone. I don't post much because I can't use computers for too long without worsening the headaches which I tend to suffer from. I also tend to wait until I have several things to photograph at once. Even then it takes me a while to process the photos. This is the...
  12. D

    Help. Looking the proper name for a big metal spike?

    I think the local wildlife trust that I volunteer with call it a prise bar (I think- awful memory) I actually managed to bend ours! Duncan
  13. D

    I have completed my website!

    worked fine for me in Firefox. I hope you don't mind, but I've got a few suggestions... The one problem I immediately noticed is the size of the images. When you put an image into an HTML page you should try to resize it to the size that it is used on the page, and not just use the width and...
  14. D

    Lignum vitae

    I have a few old crown green bowls waiting for working. as has been said - they're much easier to turn with a freshly burred scraper than a gouge, and you can get very fine shaving off the scraper. As you work the wood gives off a lovely citrussy smell. Apparently small chippings can be used to...
  15. D

    More turnings from Duncan

    I thought it was about time I started another thread (continuing from here) for my turnings, so here it is... 18cm widest diameter Turned from US Red Oak cut during wildlife trust work to remove non-native species. This was turned within 48 hours of felling and has warped so the base is no...
  16. D

    Query for Graham (Oldsoke)

    One technique that I read about that may help - start grinder and once it's up to full speed stop in again. Sharpen the gouge whilst the grinder is slowing down. I've never tried it but it might work...
  17. D

    Dust masks revisited.

    Looks great. I think the only problem might be the air tube getting caught on something whilst you're moving around. I've had a similar problem with my Powercap cable and now the power supply is intermittent :( I think it's just at the connection point, so I think I'll have to replace with a...
  18. D

    latest for critique or interest

    Pete and Dave - I noticed that you both mention the lack of a remote stop button the the Nova lathe. It's possible to make one and I posted a description of mine in 2007. The only problem is that it involves opening up the control panel and inserting an extra break out circuit. If your lathe...
  19. D

    Ebonized oak colour duration

    I've just ebonized some oak using a mix of steel from my grinder and white vinegar and, as I wanted, the oak has gone very dark. I'm intending using pieces of the oak on pepper grinders with a finish of cellulose sanding sealer followed by either melamine or acrylic lacquer. I was wondering - is...
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    Guinea Pig number 1

    Looks like a good day for both teacher and student, but a couple of thoughts - Dave/Richard - I noticed that the full face visor is only worn in one of the photos. I know glasses are worn throughout, but isn't it safer to wear the full visor all the time, just in case? Also, I noticed that...