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  1. D

    Himalayan Balsam

    I volunteer with the local wildlife trust and spend we many hours every year pulling this stuff up. Spend any time in an area where it has taken over (which can happen quickly as large mature plants can have up to 800 seeds) and you'll see that it really does need to be controlled even if it is...
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    Rolly Munro Hollowing Tool

    If you're friend wants the part holding the carbide to be articulated like the original Munro head don't modify the original head as the Munro tool is great and worth persevering with. Just buy a couple of short lengths of steel bar and make your own articulated head. I have several for...
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    Salad bowl finish?

    I've never used it for salad bowls (as I've never really made that many), but Rustins danish oil conforms to the contact with food regulations ( and also the toy regulations. I've used it for baby rattles (amongst other things) and it dries...
  4. D

    Is it me..... or are Rutlands going to be selling Easy Tools

    I have the original sized Munro tool and these cutters do not fit into that head. I made a short extension that will fit onto the end of the Munro tool and has a small threaded hole on the other end to take one of these cutter. I think it was m3 or m4. When the cutters arrived the holes were...
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    My first time!

    It's completely clear from the photo - it's not recommended to just put the metal t-light holders straight onto wood as they can generate quite a bit of heat. Aldi sell glass holders quite cheaply (although when I went they only had fairly wide ones)
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    Native Red Squirrels

    Coincidentally - spotted a red today whilst returning from working in Harwood forest, Northumberland. First one I've seen for months.
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    Axminster 1628 v/s woodlathe

    The Axminster might look similar to the Killinger lathes but if you compare the models you will see that most of the specs are different - power, capacity, weight, spindle speed, mass. As for being made in Germany, the Axminster manual contains the following :- 'Manufactured by Kingcraft...
  8. D

    Saw tooth bits

    I have a Colt Maxicut which I use for pepper grinders and it's fantastic but expensive. Their extension lock system works really well but is also expensive. Otherwise I rely of the cheap set from Axminster which I bought years ago and has been sharpened many times
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    Native Red Squirrels

    There were reports of possible red squirrel immunity in the press several years back but as far as I know it was because a few antibodies had been found in reds that had dies from the pox. The problem is that the virus kills so quickly the reds don't have enough time to develop immunity -...
  10. D

    recommend me a finish...

    The only thing I found when researching baby rattles was something along the lines of 'the wood must be suitable for the purpose'. I haven't seen any specific timbers mentioned anywhere but obviously toys need to be food safe woods that won't splinter. I also decided on woods that have close...
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    Native Red Squirrels

    Plenty of areas with reds in Northumberland but quite a few of them are small so the chances of squirrels moving between them is low. Kielder is their last big stronghold in England and the greys don't really get in there as they are too heavy for the trees. A bit of surprising history (from a...
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    I found Nirvana

    Definitely Elm. Lots of end grain splits though
  13. D

    Import duty

    If you ask someone to mislabel a postage item (such as second hand or as a different item/value) and you are found out then you may be charged with fraud. As the receiver it is you who are liable I believe. If you get something sent as a gift the maximum value is still only £40 before you have...
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    Wood identification

    I reckon this one is ash. It that photo it doesn't look anywhere near dark enough for elm. The open grain is similar to elm but definitely more like ash
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    Wood identification

    I'd first thought was definitely ash then yew
  16. D


    Like the pictures some very nice bowls etc: I will as good as that one day Tom p.s not tried Pens yet not sure if I want to. That's a nice variety of work. I couldn't help noticing that the first one is what appears to be a baby rattle. Whilst I like the shape I should point out that it...
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    Agreed. I have several with various profiles that fit the sorby tool well. I've no idea what grade of HSS they're made of but I couldn't get them to drill at all using my standard bits. I had some success with carbide bits (for glass/ceramic) but they still don't last long. These days I just cut...
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    Sanding sealer when using oil finish

    As posted by me in this thread from 2009
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    There are UK and EU toy regulations that include choking test guidelines. If you look at there's a diagram of the tube used for testing. Basically if the diameter of the ends are greater than 31.7mm then it should be ok. I'd make sure that all surfaces...
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    Monkey Puzzle

    Last summer I turned some within days of it being felled and it was one of the most unpleasant turning experiences that I've had (probably second only to banksia dust!). The sap was awful (very sticky and lots of it) and the sharp spines on the outside were very unpleasant. I've yet to try any...