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  1. D

    Can anyone identify this wood for me?

    Given the look of the open pores in the 3rd picture and the bark in the first I'd say that this is a young ash. The bark doesn't look smooth enough to be sycamore
  2. D

    Sorby patriot chuck jaw slides

    If there is then it certainly isn't as obvious as the Nova ones
  3. D

    Sorby patriot chuck jaw slides

    Is it possible to remove the jaw slides on the Patriot chuck? Or at least increase the amount which they will open? This could be done easily on the Nova chucks which I also have but there doesn't seem to be an obvious way on the Patriot. I know there are safety implications, but I want to...
  4. D

    Heres an off the wall thought

    I saw Jimmy Clewes do this several years ago. He used meths sprayed from one of those hand held flower watering sprayers. I tried it quite a bit and it works well but there is obviously the need to be aware of dust etc which may catch fire. I'm not sure how an insurance company would view this...
  5. D

    Ash burr advice

    Don't be too disappointed if the burr doesn't contain the typical burr figuring that you would expect if this was a piece of oak. I've turned a couple of ash burrs similar to this one and whilst the figuring was better than just plain ash, with several ripples running through them, there was no...
  6. D

    How do you fold up bandsaw blades

    I do the same as Pete.
  7. D

    Sanding Strips

    I do similar to Paulm. For my hand sanding I buy individual boxes which contain a long roll of abrasive which is maybe 2.5cm wide. These have the grit printed on the back every 20cm or so so I tear off about 20cm and use that, storing it between uses in a wooden block that has grooves cut into...
  8. D

    Sanding inside a Goblet / Box?

    Forceps in various lengths. Don't put your thumb through the holes intended for them but simply hold them in your palm.
  9. D

    If I had a pound for every shaving....

    I was going to say - if your lathe is powerful enough (minimum probably 1hp) consider getting a bowl saver - it's faster and you don't waste most of the wood as shavings
  10. D

    Another one of those cost questions

    Maybe think of it like this - how much would you be willing to buy them for, knowing what you do about the cost of timber. £5 each is a joke! I'd have expected around £15 each, less if multiples are being made
  11. D

    nova lathe vacuum adaptor SUCCESS! WIP

    Sorry for the delay - when I tried the Nova adapter it was with my Camvac dust extractor which I think is basically a large vacuum cleaner. Can't remember what the problem was exactly but it didn't work well. Also, the Camvac is loud so using it for a vacuum chuck for any length of time would be...
  12. D

    salt/ pepper grinders

    I guess if I got into production mode I could do a couple of small ones in an hour. It helps if you have a couple of jacobs chucks for drilling. I now use the mill drill and it makes things a lot faster, particularly in saving working out drilling depths and giving you a shoulder to work up...
  13. D

    Piece spinning while roughing

    If all else fails just try to turn down one end enough so that you can hold it in the chuck. Then go out and get yourself a better drive centre!
  14. D

    salt/ pepper grinders

    I use the Crushgrind Shaft version a lot and really like it. It's a bit fiddly to fit but once you get the hang of it you shouldn't have any problems. You'll need several different diameter sawtooth/forstner bits (minimum I use is 3 I think but it's easier with 4). You would usually also need a...
  15. D

    nova lathe vacuum adaptor SUCCESS! WIP

    I never had any success with the official Nova adapter and made my own using bearings, wood and copper pipe. It was permanently attached to the hand wheel. I may still have the official adapter if I can find it (and that's a big if) you can have it
  16. D

    Sanding on lathe

    I wouldn't wet sand when there are distinct areas colour in the wood (whether from heart/sap wood or figuring). Whatever medium you use for the sanding (usually oil for me when I do it, but I've also used water) can mix up different coloured sanding dust into a uniform colour which can then get...
  17. D

    'Can you make a curtain pole?' she said...

    I can't help thinking that, although it is obviously possible to do this, it would be quicker, cheaper and far less hassle to just buy one. Why not spend the time turning something more enjoyable? Unless you enjoy turning long, thin, featureless spindles.
  18. D

    Sanding discs

    I used to use the arbour and pads sold by Hegner but I now use the Simon Hope ones and find them much more durable. I usually use square abrasive but often find round ones useful for getting under lips or to the edge of flat sections. To get perfectly round abrasive I made a large punch out of...
  19. D

    chainsaw suggestion

    If you do use hand files for sharpening (like I do) don't forget to change them every now and again as they wear out. We recently replaced ours and it was a huge improvement.
  20. D

    RS200KT compatible teardrop cutter tips?

    I forgot to say - once you have it the shape you want don't sharpen it on the grinder as you would with normal tools - hone it instead as it'll last much longer. I use a diamond stone and tend to hone the front face, sometimes honing the top face (which is why it's useful to use a slot rather...