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  1. W

    Spindle turning

    Edmund, I asked pretty much the same question a while back, here's the replies i got: Since then I've bought a CL3, but haven't collected it yet :roll: Anyway, with regard to turning tools, I going to get the the pro 6 piece spindle...
  2. W

    Puzzle Boxes

    If you add -hellraiser to your search query it will leave out any hits with that reference :wink:
  3. W

    Web site design

    Wizer, I did some HTML about 8 years ago, it was straight forward enough at the time but I haven't gone near it since and wouldn't know where to start. :oops: Where would I start? My wife is a teacher and can just about log on to her Gmail without asking me 1M questions, none of the other...
  4. W

    Web site design

    What's the best way for a novice to go about designing a web site, it's for a primary school where the bra... I mean pupils have to have an input.
  5. W

    Removing rust without using elbow greese

    Interesting thread:
  6. W


    Just wanted to make sure. Gary if it's for signing your work there's a discussion here:
  7. W


    Am I allowed to point you to another fourm? :oops:
  8. W

    And people wonder why they get their identities nicked...

    You could order him a lump of cast iron instead :lol:
  9. W

    AV and Dial up connections

    We just about have phone lines where I live so Broadband isn't an option :cry: . Anyway, I was just reading Devonwoodies thread about AV protection and I was wondering If I have Bit Defender (Based on info from the other thread this seems to be the mutts nuts) installed would I need any other...
  10. W

    Understanding Engineers

    A Mechanical Engineer, a Electronics engineer and a Civil engineer are discussing the design of the human body and they begin to wonder what type of engineer god is. The mechanical engineer observes that God must be a mechanical engineer as the human body has a lot of joints which have to last a...
  11. W


    You can't beat picking up a hammer to see what it feels like before buying i.e. weight, grip and balance. If you want a good hammer without spending a daft amount of money have a look at Stanley blue strike, has a steel handle (Never found this a problem - I've built a house with one). They...
  12. W

    Fine WoodWorking Mag.....

    Here's the firgelli UK site, also has a diagram of the TV assembly (click on the actuator project link) not as detailed as the link in the earlier post:
  13. W

    Fine WoodWorking Mag.....

    SiamonA wrote: No problem, your query got me interested in this as well, I'll probably make up one for my own house, This is the mutts nuts if you want to do it cheaply: ... 174717e9a4
  14. W

    Fine WoodWorking Mag.....

    Also, here's a good site which explains how to go about making up your own with links to suppliers (Some in UK):
  15. W

    Fine WoodWorking Mag.....

    Came across this: ... anisms.htm
  16. W

    Polyurethane superglue

    So, after all that I have a question. What would be the best glue for fixing a plane handle with a clean break?
  17. W

    New plane blades and old planes?

    I have a record #4, would any of the LV or LN blades fit this?
  18. W

    Polyurethane superglue

    I got the info from another thread, not sure if it is actually superglue. Thanks for all the links and info. Trev, That link you sent me for turners retreat could leave ma a broken man :?
  19. W

    Polyurethane superglue

    Is Polyurethane superglue or Titebond polyurethane hard to get hold of? I haven't come across it over here, but then again I've only looked locally and I well and truely live in the sticks. The other problem I have is that screwfix don't deliver here, not sure about other online suppliers. If...
  20. W

    The things people sell!!!

    This is one of the funniest things I seen in a while. Have a look, in particular all the Questions and Answers regarding the item: ... 725938.htm