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  1. B

    Help in identifying these woods

    Gary would would have been very unhappy had you seen the bloke with a chainsaw cutting wood up for his fire at home. Barry
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    Help in identifying these woods

    One other question does poplar come 260mm X 50mm by 3000mm? What can I use it for?? Thanks Barry
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    Help in identifying these woods

    The first and last are from the original picture but I have added two more Thanks Barry
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    Help in identifying these woods

    Colin is this any better? Barry
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    Help in identifying these woods

    I mainly use sheet material for most of my work but got a phone call from a friend to say that a conservatory company was moving and they were throwing loads in the skip. I remove all but one of the seats in my A140 and went and loaded up twice - once for me and once for my friend . Attached is...
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    Harrogate Show

    Evergreen that is how I got to go last year. SWMBO wanted to go to a Japanese fabric making course at the needle work show and she had to be very nice to me to take her but now she knows why I went. Won't get away with it next time. Barry
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    Harrogate Show

    Slainte that is great to hear as most shows have been showing falling sales Barry
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    Wixey Digital Angle Gauge

    My local Parcel Force delivery man says at this time of the year is best to get things through customs without duty for what that is worth. Barry
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    Harrogate Show

    Terry last year one of the stands said that they were 30% down on the Friday from the previous year and the Saturday was going the same way and they would not be back this year and they were not on the exhibitors list. I assume sales were bad Barry
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    As Ray says the Triton Router(baby) comes with its own crank handle for above the table use but both Triton's allow for easy above the table bit change without the need for a expensive router lift. Another option is to use the Router Raizer at less than half the cost. Barry
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    ShopNotes No87 pages 38 to 41 reviewed router lifts - if you cannot get a copy send me a PM with an e mail address Barry
  12. B

    Blade cleaner

    I tried both Cillit Bang and Mr Muscle oven cleaner - I think Mr Muscle is better as you don't have to brush it - but both work the resin is removed. Barry
  13. B

    Anyone going to Harrogate on Friday?

    I now remember what was different at the Harrogate show - most shows you go to are manned by people from the manufacturers or distributors of the product but most stands were manned by resellers from the area. One of the exceptions was the Woodrat stand . The Bessey stand was manned by GMS and...
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    Anyone going to Harrogate on Friday?

    Let us know how you enjoy it. Hope it is not like last year when snow disrupted the Friday. Traveling was not fun at all. After about 2 PM the show emptied fast but that might have been down to the weather. Barry
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    Anyone going to Harrogate on Friday?

    I went last year and Mailee comments were what I found and visit not to be repeated. On the Friday bargains were hard to find. I bought a pair of Bessey clamps that were the same price as Bessey were offering all year. There were a number of those stalls selling all the cheap 'rubbish' at eBay...
  16. B

    Dust Extractor? (sorry......)

    Graham this might be a better picture Barry
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    Dust Extractor? (sorry......)

    Graham this is how you would do it with the Perform extractor In the earlier picture the grey solid bit below the impellor is a silencer/baffle/muffler that reduces the noise by up to 10dB. The filter comes with a rubber ring at the bottom and you want the open both end in case you decide in...
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    Dust Extractor? (sorry......)

    Graham The filters work very well. this is how I did it
  19. B

    The Cyclone debate continues

    There is a good discussion on one on the American sites on dust collection and the use of dust bags having to be at least 20" diameter by 4' tall. It involves both Pentz and Dodge and is here
  20. B

    Dust Extractor? (sorry......)

    Graham you would be hard pressed to buy a dual motor camvac and the 4" pipe work? You should run at least 4" pipe work from your workshop to the garage. I assume your pipe work would be at least 20'or more. My pipe work with Y junctions and blastgates from soil pipe must have cost close to £250...