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  1. B

    Get together

    Aldel once you had visited Philly - why visit Yandles??? Did you see as many planes??? I don't think so? Philly's is a treasure trove. Thanks again Philly Barry
  2. B

    UK Workshop Get-together Final Details

    Since returning home I have been running the abacuss over the problem of the dust below the table with your unisaw - I will have to resort to my 5 PC network else some time on the Cray might be required. Thanks again philly
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    UK Workshop Get-together Final Details

    Thankyou again Philly - the day was great and thank your wife for all her hard work. The only bad thing Philly is our visit is going to cost us loads of money buying planes and for me even more money buying a unisaw. Your Delta friend has nearly convinced me to spend all that extra on the Delta...
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    Meeting Webcam

    We paid Philly loads to keep us of air. You all missed a fantastic day
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    Table Saw Moulding Head

    Thanks Scrit - I knew would know. The article showed how to quarter round,centre bead, twin bead, fluting, bullnose and thumbnail. They used a auxiliary fence and often buried the cutter in the fence Barry
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    Table Saw Moulding Head

    We will have to wait for the man over six feet in a raincoat who has been seen at the top shelves at the news agent(his description not mine)
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    Table Saw Moulding Head

    Philly I will bring the article.
  8. B

    Holy smoke !

    Jason go buy a new extinguisher and then see if your new ways continue. Barry
  9. B

    Purchased Workshop

    BB the weather is in your favour at present - get going before it changes Barry
  10. B

    Table Saw Moulding Head

    The current issue of ShopNotes has an article on table saw moulding heads. Is this a similar no no as is the dado cutter??
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    Holy smoke !

    Jason just seen your post - You are a lucky bugger to escape with all the saw dust on your floor. I am sure the fire extinguisher saved you. Go buy another one now as I know you will not clean up the floor. Glade you lost no tools - lucky you were there when it happened. Barry
  12. B

    Cordless circular saws

    I have the 18volt DW - very useful when cutting sheets - can be handled one handed. I have not timed how long it lasts but it is totally dependent on the depth of cut and type of board. I have a number of batteries so I just change them . Same applies to the 18V DW jigsaw. Barry
  13. B

    Who would buy a "Pentz" style Cyclone for £395

    Jake make my day and spend a few hours testing your's and mine theory in practice. The shorter the run then more my 6" connection comes into play( from the filter to the impellor to the top of the cyclone - be aware) Barry
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    Who would buy a "Pentz" style Cyclone for £395

    As Jake does not want to waste time on the test is there any other three or two motor Camvac users that could help with the test? Barry
  15. B

    Who would buy a "Pentz" style Cyclone for £395

    Why??? We will both learn the capabilities of both systems - both will have good and bad points thats for sure. It should take only an hour or two. I am available 24/7 to suit your time. What would be fairer?? Barry
  16. B

    Who would buy a "Pentz" style Cyclone for £395

    Jake would you do me a big favour? I cannot load my cyclone in the car and come down to you. Could you load your Camvac and come out and pay me a visit and we both test the systems rather than debate all this airflow rates. We can do some bucket of MDF dust tests and if you have shaving from a...
  17. B

    Who would buy a "Pentz" style Cyclone for £395

    Jake most of my early work on cyclones was using a 2000W domestic vacuum and this is still the best for small hand tools but in the end I got tired of dragging the vacuum/cyclone from machine to machine. Now I have the whole workshop ducted with blastgates I am making a cyclone for 2" piping...
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    Stair Repairs

    Scrit Thats an idea but the LHS stringer has the stud wall attached to it and I cannot get access to it as its part of a cellar that somebody else owns. I could get to it once I removed the stairs. I have only view the stud wall once from the cellar side when the door was left open. I could use...
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    Gary I saw that earlier -how their forecasts change. As you said expect snow. It will be great if the sun shines. Thanks Barry
  20. B

    Who would buy a "Pentz" style Cyclone for £395

    Jake your filters must cause a drop in suction as they are preventing the dust getting to the motors??? Don't forget I get no dust or chips anywhere near the filters and I have 40m2 of filter - a little more than you have. Jake I an not agreeing that the 4" pipe is idea but that is what I had...