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  1. R

    Burnt motor

    Hi i have an Elektra Beckum Hc 260 planer thicknesser and the motor has burned out ;-( does anyone know if it is cheaper to get it repaired or just bite the bullet and buy a new one,i take it i will have to deal with metabo as they have now taken over Electra Beckum. Thanks Jim
  2. R

    Workshop Storage / Outfeed Table

    looks good can i ask where you got your drawer runners from ? Jim
  3. R

    Misleading or scam

    Have you turned your volume up when clicking that link,i get sme stupid ebay song !!!!
  4. R


    tnx i will give them a try haven't made a seagrass stool since my school days long time ago lol. Jim
  5. R


    Can anyone recommend a supplier of seagrass i have taken a notion to make a few seagrass stools for xmas presents and am looking for a supplier. tnx Jim
  6. R

    Rubbish service from AXMINSTER

    because 2 weeks ago when i ordered them they told me that it was a stock item !!!
  7. R

    Rubbish service from AXMINSTER

    Sorry if its taken the wrong way but they couldn't even return a call...come on thanks to them i have to spend £100 tomorrow to get this job done. :twisted:
  8. R

    Have I been a bit daft...?

    They use super glue in casualty for minor cuts ;-)
  9. R

    Rubbish service from AXMINSTER

    Well i'm afraid after today i have to agree with the original title i needed to order new brushes for my random orbit sander so instead of just ordering the brushes i thought i might as well order some other stuff then its all in one package so 2 weeks ago i placed my order for the 2 sets of...
  10. R

    Going back in time

    What is the large machine in the last photo????? Jim
  11. R

    buying from USA

    tnx for replies ordering a set tomorrow ;-)
  12. R

    buying from USA

    I am thinking of buying a raised panel cutter set from the USA on ebay,com apart from the shipping charges what else must i look out for ie taxes and how much do you have to spend to pay taxes ? Jim
  13. R

    Heater needed for garage workshop Try them i'm ordering mine at the end of the month. Jim
  14. R

    wood moisture

    Hi all and thanks for all the replies. i purchased 2 pallets of oak from my local saw mill £100 my mate is the boss so got a good deal on it ;-) it is stored outside raised up on pallets and covered with 3 layers of polythene and a great big plastic tarpoline, it varies in sizes from 2"x1" 3"x2"...
  15. R

    wood moisture

    Hi all looking for advice on wood moisture ,what should i be looking for in oak,i have made a few things lately but my last project [bedside cabinets]looked great when i finished it but they have started to warp badly,i have not got heating in my garage yet and i biscuit joined and glued all my...
  16. R

    would you lend your tools?

    i dont lend my tools to anyone at all, been caught out just like yourself and was totally disgusted at the way my mate had treated them and to watch him using them broke my heart,so call me selfish but no definetly not. Jim
  17. R


    Got some tnx neighbour called round and he had the right ones tnx for your offer anyways
  18. R


    Hi i have just taken delivery of my new Triton router can anyone tell me the size of the bolts to secure it to the router table ? thread size metric or imperial
  19. R

    router advice

    Got my Triton router ordered wont be here until 4th of January ;-( but at least its ordered . Have a good xmas everyone tnx for all the advice Jim
  20. R

    router advice

    Sorry another question do i need any special fixing plate for my router table i have a trend plate fitted in my table just now will this be ok to support this beast ;-) tnx Jim Merry Xmas To Everyone :D :D :D :D :D