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  1. DomValente

    who were..........

    Duncan and Alonzo No cheating :)
  2. DomValente

    The Woodwhisperer - Google Sketchup

    Hello Woody67, Have a look in the design section, you will find many references and tips in there. Dom
  3. DomValente

    Museum display cases

    Have made display cases for The Ashmolean in Oxford we used Meranti (pseudo Mahogany) not sure if it's the same as Jason said but we used something called Museum glass. 5 foot by 4 foot seems like a large area of glass for a case like that, make sure it's sealed as well as possible it's amazing...
  4. DomValente

    Wake up time ?

    I didn't say who :whistle:
  5. DomValente

    Removing wood stain

    So, Meths then LN?
  6. DomValente

    Removing wood stain

    Paul, how can I put this ? Oak and Mahogany.
  7. DomValente

    Wake up time ?

    Recently telephoned two members of this forum, one was in mid-afternoon, the other at 10 a.m. Both were asleep :shock: I shan't name them because then they might come back with the stupid reasons that I called, but you know who you are. :) My question is, what time of day are you at your best...
  8. DomValente

    Removing wood stain

    As ever a most comprehensive answer, thank you Richard. Yes it is a dye, which is what I wanted to do when I saw the results. Have just spoken with a friend who tells me that he has information somewhere in notes or a book which is an old remedy for this problem. Hopefully he will post this...
  9. DomValente

    Removing wood stain

    Thanks guys will try those ideas unless someone has a better one. :) Dom
  10. DomValente

    Competition timber.....

    Change timber ? Dom
  11. DomValente

    Removing wood stain

    I know this should be in Finishing but I hope to get more hits here. I have stained a sideboard in the wrong colour and therefore need to remove the stain(Light fast spirit). My forte is not finishing The piece has many mouldings so sanding most of it is a no. Other than thinners does anyone...
  12. DomValente not open

    Having been in the catering industry for many years, it always amused me when a waiter would tell a customer, " plates hot". Many a bet was won on whether the customer would touch the plate or not. They always looked surprised when they found out it was hot :shock: Dom
  13. DomValente

    My next step in chair-making

    Glad to see you're wearing the right shirt Norm :) Dom
  14. DomValente

    House prices

    Buy in the right area. Count every penny, if this is your first time it's very easy to overspend. Trust me :wink: Dom
  15. DomValente

    YES!!!!!!!!! Now we`re getting somewhere

    Congratulations Carl, well done. :) Dom
  16. DomValente not open

    Nor me :whistle:
  17. DomValente

    Here's My New Project.

    Like the name of the boat Dave. Is that a play on the word or is there a Vietnam connection? Dom
  18. DomValente

    Recent efforts in the workshop ...

    Ahh, and the shop next door is a picture framer's :oops:
  19. DomValente

    Dressing Room

    Thanks Bob, will look into it. Dom
  20. DomValente

    Dressing Room

    I'm assuming that's the Blum servo Bob. Expensive ? easy to install ? Dom