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  1. M

    Built to Last

    You’re clearly talking cobblers marcos. I’ll get my coat....
  2. M

    Draw Runners

    I’ve got those and used them in some drawers I made for my workshop. They work very well but the aesthetics aren’t great. Mrs. memzey wouldn’t have them in the house but your situation may be different. They also don’t have soft close (at least my ones don’t).
  3. M

    What to use

    Hard wax polish does give a gloss finish! Even in the ungodly temperatures of high summer Cyprus (we did prove this last year). The things to remember are that; no wax works particularly well on bare wood - they all need a sealer like shellac and hard wax polishes (like the v1) need considerable...
  4. M

    What to use

    Finishing end grain the way you want it bob is a bit of a pig but it can be done. To get a fine finish on it then you will need to significantly up your sanding game. I’m talking up to the kind of high grit wet and dry car finishers use - in the thousands. Once you’ve done that then a couple of...
  5. M

    What to use

    Try some wax over the shellac Bob. All you need to remember is that proper hard waxes take considerable elbow grease to buff up. Go on. Give it it a whirl. You know you want to :)
  6. M

    If you're working on something that's mostly hand tools...

    Great idea David. If Mrs. memzey allows me some shed time in the coming weeks I’ll do my best to contribute.
  7. M

    Small Infill Rebate Plane

    Lol! Give me a break Mike - it was Valentine’s Day :oops:
  8. M

    Small Infill Rebate Plane

    I see them now. Very nifty design!
  9. M

    first cutting board

    As you well know bob, I have four daft females to chase after and that can be a time consuming endeavour! I’ve not been here or had much shed time lately but hopefully things will calm down soon. Sera does want a new kitchen and built ins in the bedroom after all. One of the good things about...
  10. M

    first cutting board

    I’m loath to describe anything I’ve made as “proper” but possibly something along the lines of this:
  11. M

    Small Infill Rebate Plane

    Beautiful as always. Where are the knickers if you don’t mind me asking (as the bishop said to the actress)?
  12. M

    Kitchen units

    Couldn’t you leave Brexit out of this?
  13. M

    Wadkin LP restoration

    Wow. Already wow and it isn’t even finished yet!
  14. M

    Record No.18 Knuckle Joint Block Plane

    Very nice plane. I have a late 1800’s Stanley #19 that is similar and great in use. I’m with those that suggest less is more as regards restoration, especially as your one seems in such relatively good nick.
  15. M

    Pin nailer

    I’ve got a combination 18g nailer/stapler from Aldi and a Bostich 23g pinner. All air powered. For wardrobe/shelf backs I tend to glue and staple them in, staples being much stronger than nails. I rarely use the 18g brads but the 23g pins are useful from time to time as they are virtually...
  16. M

    Let's talk cutter blocks

    An interesting topic this. My machine has a four knife Tersa block and leaves a superb finish on almost anything I put through it. I’ve often wondered whether that was due to the Tersa system making it so much easier to swap out dull knives (and therefore always having a sharp set in when...
  17. M

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    Brilliant. Do you glue in some beading on the inside of the door as well? I note that with this method you can’t repair the door if the mirror breaks.
  18. M

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    Nice! Do you fit the mirrors in a groove like a regular panel or are they installed via a rebate with a retainer of some sort bob?
  19. M

    Which digital vernier caliper

    Pedantry alert! It’s either a digital calliper or a vernier calliper. Very difficult to be both! Pedantic interlude over. I’ve got the cheapo Lidl digital which works well. I also picked up a Draper dial calliper for £1 and a mitutoyo digital for 50p from a couple of boot fairs. Both work...
  20. M

    Working with Sapele..

    Seems like you might just need to joint the edges with a suitable hand plane before glueing them. All the edges on the end grain chopping board I show above were finished by hand using a No. 7. Tricky with stock that’s only 1/4” thick though. Might be best to shoot one edge on a shooting board...