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  1. C

    Kickback and table saw safety.

    Your right the finewoodworking video tips are useful... You might be seeing them on UKW by the end of this year :) To save the realplayer movies its quite simple. In IE if you right click a link then click 'save target as' it'll will let you download the movie to your harddrive.
  2. C

    Folding router tables?

    Hi David, It was only the other day when I was thinking about building a workmate router table for UKW :)
  3. C

    My good luck continues..............not

    Well at least you've got it sorted in the end and dure edge blades are much better :D
  4. C


    will do :)
  5. C

    jigsaw blades

    I don't know if they will fit your jigsaw but I've used bosch blades for years. Axminster sells the whole range of them :D
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    I've used Screwfix many times in the past and I have to say I've never had a problem with them. Everythings always been ontime and they are helpful when ever somthings faulty and needs returning. I'm sorry you've had a bad time with them. Hopfuly they are just going through a bad patch at the...
  7. C

    Tooling up

    Hi Chip, Welcome to the forums :D Your right to stay away from the DIY shed's own brands of tools. If you haven’t guessed by now in woodworking you should always buy the best you can afford. Although saying that we bought a Wicks palm sander about 6 years ago for £15 that did a good job at...
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    Router tables

    Yes that would help wouldn't it.. Its out of 5..... As Jester said non of them got the "Best on Test" award :?
  9. C

    Clear Wax Finish on Oak

    Wax is one of my favorite methods of finishing, especially on oak. It’s easy to apply, gives a great finish and you can see the results near enough instantly. I start by filling any nail holes or marks there might be on the work piece. In this case there was a nice big dent on the front where...
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    Router tables

    Got my good woodworking magazine today they've done 5 tests on router tables including the record RPMS-R! They gave it 4 for value and 4 for performance.
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    Garden Planters

    Nearly two years ago now I drew some plans to build these garden planters and do a guide for UKW – but they never got made – until yesterday, with the help of Tom. I’m glad we’ve finally made them! They look good, are very strong, easy to build (as long as you have a router) and the woodwork can...
  12. C

    Router tables

    The rat ain't that bad :wink: Although I've never used one I'm much happier with my router table but you never know when I get a 'free wall' the rat might be added to my tools list :twisted: Seriously though Richard, I forgot to mention the rat. It might be worth you having a look at it (...
  13. C

    Router tables

    No problem and thank you :D Afraid not. I can 'split' a topic but for some reason you can't join one :?
  14. C

    Pine Dowels ?

    If you just want pine dowls, you might as well go down to your local B&Q/DIY store or timber merchant :) Not sure of anyone who sells them online but I'll have a look... If you have a router table you can make pretty good dowl yourself with a round over bit...
  15. C

    Router tables

    Hi Richard, There’s alot of decent router tables you can get for that budget. Yesterday I was at my local woodworking store and I had a look at the Record RPMSR, It seemed very well made with a good fence, cast iron top and a smooth running sliding carridge. When I got back I had a quick look...
  16. C

    Scheppach 260 P/T

    Hi Steve, Nick reviewed the 260P/T for us but I haven't seen him online for awhile. There are a few 260 owners over at 'UK Woodworking' ( I'm sure one of them will be able to help :)
  17. C

    user projects

    Hope you had a good time :) As you can see the old 'Your Work' section has gone and the 'Gallery' has taken its place. Please just signup and upload your picture(s) again. If you've lost the file email me as I still have all the photos.
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    Just thought i would tell u woodworkers....

    Well done Mike :D :D I hope you enjoy it and let us know how you get on.
  19. C

    Identifing Chisel's

    There’s not much difference really, just the shape of it. There're both good at chopping out a mortice but of course a mortice chisel does a better job. A Firmer chisel is a bit of a general-purpose chisel. Mortise Chisel Firmer Chisel Hope this clear things up but I'm sure someone like...
  20. C

    What happened to the thread about hardwood sellers?

    If I knew a TV company was paying I would raise my prices :wink: