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  1. C

    bandsaw blade

    Dure Edge Tel : 08702-252337 :)
  2. C

    News from Good Woodworking

    Welcome to UKW Nick, thanks for signing up :)
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    Discovery Real Time ?

    I haven't watched H&L in ages. I got fed up with the property and fishing shows taking over. :-({|= I used to enjoy the good old days when you had at least two woodworking shows on a day, This old house with Steve and Norm, Bob Vila's show, Hometime, the house doctor (the guy going around the...
  4. C

    Tablesaw Taper Jig

    Lee, love the table saw 8) but I hope the blade guard was only removed for clarity? [-X
  5. C

    Problem Solved

    Very nice Alan :D - great job =D>
  6. C

    Tablesaw Taper Jig

    A tapering jig for his table saw :P sorry couldn't resist :oops:
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    Axminster Show Tools 2005 - which day?

    I'm going on Thursday, Friday and maybe even Saturday morning but the drivers have got to get back in time for a party - what a cheek eh?
  8. C

    Help with scanner images

    Hi Noel, Either the image is to small to be resized when you load it in IE or your image host has added some code to the page that stops the browser messing with the image. Try opening the image locally in IE...
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    Tablesaw Taper Jig :)
  10. C

    Tablesaw Taper Jig

    Not sure but you could use a peice of wood with a groove/slot cut into it,
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    What me? After all the years of posting on UK forums? With the fact of just mentioning the word (or sometimes just thinking it) brings 5 pages of debate? I'm scared to just mention dado in a PM in case it kicks something off :lol: .............. Well yes, I am planning too it'll be rude not to...
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    The 806 table saw :oops: :D Same one as Philly and the one recently reviewed by Keith. In fact as far as I know it IS the one Keith reviewed, if you look closely at the pic in the mag you can see a sold sticker :P After the jointer I decided I wanted more cast iron. I was doing well until...
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    It isn't the best :( But at least now it looks like they are trying to make an effort, well they show products they actually sell now :-k Some companies just aren't clued up to how important a website is these days and if you haven't got a user friendly site, it just puts people off. In...
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    The Woodford website has been updated. No awful frames and the machines have been updated in the online shop :D - Mod edit to make the link clickable. Honestly, Charley... :roll: :wink: Admin edit: I didn't want to make it too easy for them :wink: Thanks...
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    How do I lose my newbie status?

    Yes that's correct, so be careful Dave [-X I'll let you off just this once though :wink:
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    If my memory serves me right the Rexon benchtop jointer is basically the same model as the Perform jointer I reviewed.. The Perform is a great little jointer although if you have the space and think it'll be used a lot I would get a floor standing jointer with longer tables. With a budget of...
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    Signals From The Bunker

    Gill, if you have already/or just about to give up, I have a TS2000 table saw going spare for a good price :wink: :)
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    Welcome to UKW :D
  19. C

    Table saw decision time

    Running to the bunker 8-[ The D word has been mention again :lol: