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  1. dedee

    Help! Bike storage ideas needed...

    This is what I do with some mine. Any help? Bikes seem to multiply all on their own in our house. There are 5 of us and at the last count we had 11 bikes !! Andy
  2. dedee

    suitable timber for picnic table

    I have just dismantled all the shelving from a very damp and humid underground wine cellar and I am left with this There are 10 boards (3 not shown) at 68" (1.73m) x 9" (21.5cm) x 11/4" (27mm) When cleaned up they look like this . It is obviously a pine of some sort but apart from being a...
  3. dedee

    Magnets for jigs?

    Thanks BB worked a treat All but one came off easily the last one I hit with a cold chisel which rendered it useless :oops: Could have had this done in half the time had I not locked myself out of the barn - had to take 4 rows of ship lap off the outside in order to get in. Andy
  4. dedee

    Magnets for jigs?

    I hope this is not hijacking the thread I feel it might be useful. How does one remove the hard disc magnets from their backing plate? These are a couple that I have: Thanks Andy
  5. dedee

    ziggerdy man

    Mike, there are a few but as I am an infrequent contributor these days I forget who some of them are. stef is local to me here in calvados and there are one or two with holiday homes who visit As not everyone completes their location details it is hard to do a search. Andy
  6. dedee

    ziggerdy man

    Mike, the Normandy membership appears to be growing. Whereabouts are you? Andy
  7. dedee

    ziggerdy man

    The holes should be centered 23/4" apart with the last one on the right 13/8". The other critical dimension is of the man, from finger tip to opposite armpit 21/2" from top of head to either armpit 21/4". 6mm dowels were used. Andy IMPORTANT EDIT:- The spacing above is the VERTICAL spacing...
  8. dedee

    A new workshop

    Stef, I agree that dust collection is the downside to surface mounted electrics. You will see next weekend. I'll not clean the workshop just for you :D I'd be surprised if you could not fins some cheaper flooring at Brico Depot and it's your side of town too. Andy
  9. dedee

    ziggerdy man

    I am not sure if such a simple object requires a WIP but I will post one anyway. A simple moving wooden toy made for the first born child of my wife's cousin. First plane a suitable piece of walnut (american black) Then drill two rows of holes using the new drill table. Positioning of these...
  10. dedee

    A new workshop

    You will have a great space there Stef when finished. Not so sure the wood dust will do the bike a lot of good though. The electrics look like the "norm" for France - mine were much worse. I preferred to surface mount all by sockets and cabling on the basis that I am sure I will reorganise the...
  11. dedee

    Holly cow i made a picnic table!!

    Andy, nice table. I am planing one at the moment to make over the winter for next year (that is what I said last year as well :oops: Do you have any photos from underneath showing how you attached the diagonal braces to the table top? Andy
  12. dedee

    A new workshop

    Stef, I have sent you a PM with details and email address. Andy
  13. dedee

    A new workshop

    I have just had my workshop built and we used water resistant OSB which I then painted with the cheapest sous couche that I could find. Some of the strands of wood bleed through the paint leaving what looks like rust marks. When I get around to it I'll dab some oil based paint on those spots...
  14. dedee

    A new workshop

    Nice house, very generic style for round here. Garden looks large too. Still can't understand why the french plonk bushes randomly all over the lawn. Ref painting the walls white. There should be no "probably" you really must, the benefit in light will be well worth the effort of slapping some...
  15. dedee

    That's shallot

    I'm with you on all four things from childhood but would have to add porridge. Only quaker oats in daft size small boxes available around here at about 4 euros per kg - so I have a cupboard full from Asda at about 0.60 gbp. Andy
  16. dedee

    That's shallot

    Thanks, we have no onions at all on the veg plot this year, perhaps I'll give them ago again next year and see if we can do better. Caen is just the right size of town, the only downside with the ferry crossing being the 5.5 hours that it takes to Portsmouth, not to mention this cost - over 600...
  17. dedee

    That's shallot

    We have never had much luck in storing onions. They either sprout or go soft. I guess it is technique - will have to try again sometime. One veg that we do like to grow and stores very easily is butternut squash. We kept some for 6 months last year in the garage and it was as good as new. They...
  18. dedee

    Anyone keep chickens?

    I'd certainly like to see pics as it is always god to have a bank of ideas for the next coop or run. The eggs definitely taste better and the yolks are bright yellow unlike the mass produced eggs which look insipid in comparison. Although not shown in the pic of the inside of my coop the next...
  19. dedee

    Anyone keep chickens?

    Andy, this is our outside run. Each half is about 3m square and the top is just under 2m high. Uncovered at the moment as the chooks are shut into a smaller secure run over night and when we are away. Here is the smaller run, predator proof (I hope) . The top hinges as does the end...
  20. dedee


    Finally got my bench sorted out and here's a pic with two of Richard's holdfasts The is the first time I have used this type of holdfast. I am sure their simplicity of use belies the skill required to make them. Thanks again Richard. Andy