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  1. dedee

    Xmas Pressies - Done

    I'm glad the French for Christmas only has 4 letters :lol: Walnut, danish oil, and briwax. Andy
  2. dedee

    There's drinking and then there's drinking???

    When I was a lad, teenager, I played a fair bit of golf, and I was quite good at it, without really trying. I enjoyed it but knew I could not play with a hangover from alcohol (or more likely the evil weed :wink: ). I had mates at the time who would get stoned in the evening and not get out of...
  3. dedee


    With most of my workshop still packed up awaiting the barn conversion this is the only woodwork of any sort I am able to complete. It's over to the kids now to apply the finish. The kings are my own design the others have been taken from clipart sites and google images I know that there is...
  4. dedee

    bad english, so called americanisms and bad spelling

    I think this is probably why I have so much trouble learning a foreign language....I can't speak my own properly What is wrong with asking for something to be brought* upstairs? ie which grammar rules have been broken Andy *edit bought to brought :oops:
  5. dedee

    Infuriating Game

    Sorry Mike Well I got at least one... for a while. 3 days on and off and still can't get to double figures :evil: Andy
  6. dedee

    Infuriating Game

    It's taking me ages to master this :wink: Andy
  7. dedee

    Could someone please check a web page in IE

    That's gone over my head I'm afraid Roger. Why should it work for you and not me (Safari 3.0.4) Andy
  8. dedee

    Could someone please check a web page in IE

    Brilliant guys, that link works fine. That really has saved me a lot of work trying to get an IE machine up and running again. I will leave some feedback and let the LB of Bromley know. Cheers Andy
  9. dedee

    Could someone please check a web page in IE

    Thanks both. Just a thought, could you post the URL of the page that displays the documents as perhaps it's the way that the link has been written that safari objects to rather than the actual address. Thanks again Andy
  10. dedee

    Could someone please check a web page in IE

    Could anyone pleas check a web page for me to see if I cannot view beac use of a safari compatibility problem. It is a planning application and I would like to view the associated documents. The url is ... YN2BTJC000 Then click Associated Documents...
  11. dedee

    Norm got one so I got one :)

    I will wait until the 25th anniversary all glass model becomes available. Andy
  12. dedee

    Yet Another Workshop Build...

    I think this has to be the first non-rectalinear workshop we have seen around here. I'll be interested to see how you make best use of the space, especially in front of that curved wall. Nice roof. Why was it free? Andy
  13. dedee

    Workshop electricity supply

    I've got an electrician coming soon to install a second fuse box in my garage and run a cable out to the barn ready for the workshop conversion. He's quoted for 10mm but I've no idea what the regs are here :shock: Something you should not forget when calculating consummation is your heat...
  14. dedee

    Heat loss and shutters

    Gary, that is brilliant, I owe you one, or two. From now on all the shutters will be closed at night. When I come to repair or replace I will make sure the gaps are reduced as much as possible. Incidentally inward opening windows are a PITA as they never seem to have any stays or other method...
  15. dedee

    Heat loss and shutters

    Gary, what can I say? But thanks. I would like to think the information would be useful for others too so I will buy you a few collective pints. I've had a look around all he shutters and reckon that there is never more than a 1/2" gap between the shutters (hinge side) and the walls, top and...
  16. dedee

    Heat loss and shutters

    OK Gary, thanks, here goes Frame material........ Hardwood Glass Spec...... double, I've no idea if they are argon fill. They were put in when the house was built 15 years ago. There are none of those glass bubbles inside. Inter-pane gap.... How do I measure? I would guess about 15mm Shutter...
  17. dedee

    How to go over the top with security

    Over here Roger it's the opposite. Just a 6 digit number is all's that's required to access our bank account, plus the customer number (held in the PC). It was the bank cards that left me incredulous. The banks issues the PIN number and you cannot change it! They gave me a 4 digit PIN with only...
  18. dedee

    Heat loss and shutters

    Chas, No not yet:lol:. Although for the life of me I cannot understand why they were ever taken out. Am seriously thinking of putting them back. Going back to the shutters if I can find two thermometers that give the same reading I'll put one each outside a shuttered window and a non shuttered...
  19. dedee

    Heat loss and shutters

    Jenx, thanks. As I suspected. I have noticed though that we seem to get a lot less condensation on the windows with the shutters closed. Andy
  20. dedee

    Heat loss and shutters

    Reading Rogers' thread on heat loss calculations has got me thinking again about external shutters and what, if any, contribution they make in reducing heat loss. I've had a trawl around the web on this subject before but have only ever found info regarding internal shutters. Has anyone got...