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  1. dedee

    using german elec items on uk mains ???

    John, thanks for your help but what I am searching for is a version of this type of plug that I can wire myself. This is what comes with most new appliances. A search for "fiche electrique" at Leyroy Merlin and elsewhere just brings up variants of this or this both of which throw the cable...
  2. dedee

    Preventing water damage in utility room

    Roger, Are you putting down a wooden skirting? Personally I try and avoid silicon as much as possible. I reckon it always discolours with age and never looks right. If the floor is tiled could you use a skirting tile? Glued and grouted would would make a very good seal. As you have a tiled...
  3. dedee

    using german elec items on uk mains ???

    Dick, Have you found a source for plugs in France that direct the cable down parallel to the wall instead of at right angles or at best 45 degrees? Appliances with moulded plugs and extension leads etc come with a nice plug but the only ones I can find that you wire up yourself are cheap and...
  4. dedee

    Leaky shed roof

    I've been searching for this page which I'd lost from my bookmarks. Excellent info here on how to lay corrugated sheets Andy
  5. dedee

    rounding with hand tools

    Saw Ray Mears last night make an axe handle with a large bent knife, crook knife (sp)? He was using an awful lot of muscle power to get it to cut but the result seemed quite pleasing. Andy
  6. dedee

    Leaky shed roof

    With the corrugated sheets, depending on your roof construction, it is also very easy to add a bit of extra light by using an odd clear corrugated panel. Andy
  7. dedee

    My heating just came on.

    France is a big country, I am sure that in the north and north west we see no more sun than the majority of southern england. Anywhere south of the Loire is bound to get considerably more sunshine, or is that just a myth? If it was not for the initial outlay coupled with an uncertainty of how...
  8. dedee

    Leaky shed roof

    Must you use felt? I'd heartedly recomend corrugated bitumen roofing sheets. Easy to put up, no gluing required and will last a lot longer than felt. Coroline is the market leader:- Andy
  9. dedee

    Heating systems in France. Just toooo interesting!!!

    We've been in Calvados (normandy) for just over 2 years. We have electric rads in all the rooms but only the ones in the bedrooms come on for 1 hour in the morning just before we get up the rest are permanently switched off. We heat the main living dining room with a log stove inset into a...
  10. dedee

    credit card. anyone here with trade knowledge?

    Don't think we pay for statements - might have to check. Just as well the wine is good and the cheese and the income tax (well it is if you've got 3 kids) But apart from that what have they done for us eh? The roads but definately not the sanitation :lol: Andy
  11. dedee

    credit card. anyone here with trade knowledge?

    Steve, you've never had a french one then! Couldn.t effing believe it when the BNP told me that and La Poste. If I do not like the POIN number they have to send me a new card with a number chosen by them. I do not like my PIn because it only has 2 different numbers. €30 per annum to boot. Andy
  12. dedee

    Any recommendations for a larger sized tumble dryer?

    we also used a dehumidifier for clothes drying, before the kids came along. It is an ebac and very efficient compared to a tumble dryer IF you have the space. I used to place next to the clothes airer with some tent fabric over the top (ebac used to sell a drying tent but IIRC very expensive)...
  13. dedee

    Mekkemikkel's new workshop WIP

    Yep, that floor sweep is a new one on me. Nice idea. We don't often see painted benches around here but I like the idea/ As for the view, I will have to console myself that the weather is not always like that. Cheers Andy
  14. dedee

    composite worktops and underslung sinks

    Simon, very interesting thank you. It gives me some ideas for specific questions to ask about the fitting of the sink. The ceramic ones tend to come with a 2% margin on dimensions due to their "hand made properties". So I am a bit concerned about the neatness of the fit. Do you know the hardest...
  15. dedee

    Overdraft Payments

    Pete from what I could gather the problem was restricted to just one ISP here in France whose servers could not cope with 1500 mtu. I dropped mine to 1200 and everything worked fine. Andy
  16. dedee

    Another Tiny Trim

    That's what I said then two popped out together! Congrats hope all goes well Andy
  17. dedee

    composite worktops and underslung sinks

    We are about to have a new fitted kitchen and we have agreed on a quartz composite stone worktop, probably Silestone. We also, maybe, probably, will have a ceramic underslung sink as we like all the characteristics of the existing one except colour! I'd be interested to have some usability...
  18. dedee

    Overdraft Payments

    Pete MTU's were the cause of a long running thread I had here a few weeks back. It is some sort of ethernet setting that my ISP could no longer cope with. cheers Andy
  19. dedee

    Safari 4

    Roger, Ha, Ha. :lol: Granted Roger but at risk of confusing the OP twas not operator error nor Safari 3/4 wot caused the problem. Cheers Andy
  20. dedee

    Mekkemikkel's new workshop WIP

    Bench is coming along nicely. How about some more gratuitous shots of the view from the workshop window, please? Cheers Andy