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  1. B

    Knifed Lines

    I find cutting to the knife line frustrating too, particularly in dark woods as mentioned. I wear eye glasses for reading, however my normal prescription does not allow me to clearly identify the cut lines at times. So, I bought a cheap pair of specs from WHSmiths with a greater prescription...
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    Dust extraction - 63mm / 2.5" Using Camvc

    Good luck with it. David
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    Dust extraction - 63mm / 2.5" Using Camvc

    Have a look at these Josh. ... ?var=&hash ... 386&adtype ... ors+d01103 If no exact fit you could buy one closest to yours and manufacture a reducer from rainwater or...
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    How fed up are you with hearing about dust?

    As previously mentioned a vacum cleaner is not the tool for your needs. It will at best remove most or some of the dust from a hand held power tool such as sanders etc. Your vac will not handle the saw dust from your TS and especially the TP, which is about the biggest producer of chips (not...
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    Oil finish

    Thanks for the response. Perhaps I should I stated curing time, rather than drying time? The finish is applied very liberally, certainly on the first coat, left to soak for 10 - 15 mins then wiped off. dependant on the wood and its ability to absorb the finish will determine the number of...
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    Face side

    Thanks. A very valid point, particularly for a hobby woodworker (such as me) such information can be overlooked in simply exposing the most attractive face. David
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    Tiger Myrtle. (small hand size)

    I had a look at the DT website Stewie, some incredible woods offered. In particular the tiger myrtle 4 x 2 stock. What a beautiful but incredibly expensive workshop you could build with it (assuming you could find enough of it) :lol: David
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    Knew Concept Jewellers saws

    Thanks for the additional info Glynne, very useful. David
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    Knew Concept Jewellers saws

    Thanks Custard, advice and info much appreciated. David
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    Had one, got rid, end of!
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    Tiger Myrtle. (small hand size)

    Good to see you back at it again Stewie, I look forward to the WIP. David
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    Japanese woodworking and hand tools video

    Whatever floats your boat. :D
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    Knew Concept Jewellers saws

    Thanks for the input Mike. David
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    Japanese woodworking and hand tools video

    Whatever you preferences or tastes the level of skill, knowledge and craftsmanship is incredible. David
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    Oil finish

    My chosen finish for years has been a wipe on spirit based poly, with Tung oil in equal measures and a little white spirit to thin for ease of application. The dry time varies depending on the temprature, although a week to 10 days is usually enough time after the last coat is applied for the...
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    Knew Concept Jewellers saws

    Thanks for all the feedback fellas. David
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    Knew Concept Jewellers saws

    Not really, just an input to establish the best all rounder, or if the bling bits are really needed. :wink: David
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    Knew Concept Jewellers saws

    Glynne, Thanks for the detailed response, just what I was looking for. David
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    Knew Concept Jewellers saws

    I have been considering treating myself to a Knew Concept fret saw for removing the waste on dovetails. (on thinner stock ) Does anyone own one? or have experience of one? Does the lever tensioning and swivel feature on the more expensive models makes a difference or just some added 'bling' I...
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    Hand plane book - Hack vs Schwarz?

    I have the Garrett Hack book, I haven't read it thoroughly as yet but from what I have read it has been very educational. I would definately recommend buying it, but perhaps not for £80. I bought mine from Amazon in the Summer, I paid £16.00 (+ postage) David