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  1. B

    Chisel primary bevel sharpening.

    Well thanks for answering my initial question folks. I conclude The answer is - D_W and Jacob are wholly right, everyone else is wrong. Thanks gents, much appreciated. David
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    Huge eBay pricing variations

    The time of the auction ending, a low start price and a full description always ensure a better price as a seller. What I cannot understand however is some of the crap offered for sale, Filthy, damaged, neglected. Some of them could be good tools and would fetch a decent price if the lazy...
  3. B

    New Closed Handle Design.

    Incredible craftsmanship Stewie. it looks a beautiful tool indeed . A real joy to hold and use I expect. I am going to take the time to read through the entire thread, really interesting work, thanks for sharing it. David
  4. B

    Chisel primary bevel sharpening.

    Much appreciated Derek, noted & fully understood you addressed the issue regards narrow blades too. I'll try out the theory this evening if I get home from work early enough. Good luck with yours too Jonny. David
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    Chisel primary bevel sharpening.

    Thanks everyone for their response, very useful as always. I know sharpening is a contentious subject although I promise I was not intending to provoke I have been experiencing fantastic results with diamond plates achieving a consistent edge enough to shave my arm. However, I was honing the...
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    Chisel primary bevel sharpening.

    while perusing the Tube last evening I ended up watching several vidoes by accomplished woodworkers on 'how to sharpen a chisel' What was apparent was most sharpened free hand ( not surprising) however, several of them sharpened the chisel only on the primary bevel i.e no micro or secondary...
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    Building the Lingerie Chest

    I have nothing but admiration for your patience and tenacity on this project. It would appear nothing is repetitious, meaning every aspect whether it be a drawer carcass, web frame or the vex of the bow fronts have to be individually calculated and applied. Top marks The secret lock is an...
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    Tuffsaws bandsaw blades - speechless.

    Your response replicates my experience of the Hamilton blades of which I have several ( I am lazy and just tend to keep the same blade on the saw) Every time I am at a woodworking show I buy a couple because they are very good and very reasonably priced. I have a large Jet 18" saw and tend to...
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    Drilling holes and bench dogs

    I drilled some dog holes in my bench over the weekend. I bought a bit called a "Woodbeaver" its a four cutter spiral bit and cuts an incredibly neat an quick hole. So fast indeed I had to hold off on the pressure. I first took the time to drill a perpindicular hole in some scrap 2 x 4 and used...
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    What a difference a saw makes.....

    Sharpening a saw takes no more than 5 - 8 minutes (rip) a little longer perhaps for X-cut granted. Even a badly shaped and set saw, purchased from ebay doesn't take 1 1/2 hours to make ready. David
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    Tuffsaws bandsaw blades - speechless.

    How do they compare to Hamilton Beverstock blades? David
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    What a difference a saw makes.....

    I bought a very cheap unbranded saw years ago and had similar troubles. Someone suggested I try reducing the set of the teeth. I did this very crudely by placing the saw plate on the anvil of my machine vice and placing a sheet of printer paper oner the teeth then gave them all a slight bash...
  13. B

    Modified Stanley No. 10

    I should think one drop would be enough to finish a rebate plane off, a rubber mat may just deaden the heartbreaking sound :D David
  14. B

    Van padlocks

    Generally I would only recommend locks to 'Sold Secure' Gold standard (possibly silver). However this may offer some guidance? ... wwodQrYO-Q Good luck David Edit - Found this too, although I would query the 'sold secure status at just under £20...
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    Modified Stanley No. 10

    I would agree with the previous - milled slots for a fence. Looks as though he has done an OK job but I wonder how fragile the body is now? David
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    How to store Handplanes?

    Keep your planes lying on the floor under your bench, apparently it does them no harm at all. :wink:
  17. B

    3mm Bevel Edged Chisel - Really?

    If I were you I would leave a little room for expansion, my cab was designed for the tools I had although i have purchased one or two since. You will undoutedly end up with a few more, so I guess the term , you can never have enough space, when it comes to woodworking is true for most of us...
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    How to store Handplanes?

    Having watched a recent Paul Sellers video, his view is a plane should be left on the bench sole down, a practice undertaken by all old time craftsmen. Placing the plane on it's side will expose the cutting iron to the dangers of other metal object on the bench. The practice was on leaving it...
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    3mm Bevel Edged Chisel - Really?

    Praise indeed Peter, many thanks. David
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    3mm Bevel Edged Chisel - Really?

    Thanks Griggs