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  1. B

    Face side

    Well done Wilson, you spotted my deliberate mistake. =D>
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    Face side

    Interesting, particularly the point of a face side being on the inside of a drawer box. That would make perfect sense as finishing the inside is difficult after assembly. I am not formerly trained, just as with CC, my instruction was taken from my school woodwork teacher and it has just stuck...
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    Face side

    Just clarification required really - For years I have been marking my face side of boards on what will be the eventual outer face of the board, primarly because I thought the better side, or "face side" would face outwards where it could be seen? Recently I was reading an article where the face...
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    Workbench width

    If will depend if you intend to use it purely as a work bench or and in addition as an assembly table. Workbenches were traditionally around 24" wide, more than enough for the bench work intended. The lenght was/is usually more of an issue. David
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    Faithfull Planes

    Veritas block planes now sell for around £120. I personally think that is "cheap" for the quality of tool which will last a lifetime and then some. You will have to undertake little if any fettling to achieve superb results. If you are doing woodworking on a regular basis, professionally or...
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    Magnifying head lamp

    Yep, I'll get that picture uploaded right away!
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    Magnifying head lamp

    Gents - Thanks very much for your responses. The Optiovisor was the accessory I had in mind prior to posting although I was not sure what it was called. Ironically, I remembered I had a box load of old eye glasses belonging to my elderly mother. She is still a lady with a fashion sense it...
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    Magnifying head lamp

    Cheers Pete, Looks like the way to go is with over strenght reading glasses for the odd occasion I need the additional clarity David
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    Magnifying head lamp

    Jim - Thanks for your assessment of the head lamp. Perhaps Pedders suggestion is the way to go. Cheers David
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    Magnifying head lamp

    Pedder - Identifying the flat spots is not the issue, just the clarifty and precision required for confident cutting. The idea of a stronger prescription pair of eye glasses may be worth investigating however. Woody2 - I had considered the magnifying lamp, however finding a place for it may...
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    Magnifying head lamp

    I was sharpening a small dovetail saw the other day and realised I couldn't see what I was doing, even with my specs and a lamp. I was thinking of investing in one of those magnifying head lamps with the attached lamps. I had a look on ebay etc but they all look cheap and not very robust. Does...
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    Spear & Jackson Backsaw Handle.

    Useful information Stewie, your research, endeavours and willingness to share your experiences make it easy for the rest of us. David
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    Bespoke study

    Moles Breath :lol: you just have to love the marketing. Great looking job though, most impressive David
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    Wooden coffin plane - mouth adjustment

    Thanks for all the info boys, a great help. Cheers David
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    New Closed Handle Design.

    Thanks Stewie for the info - I retire next year so time will not be an issue. I'm sure my first attempt may take me a little longer though. Regards David
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    Wooden coffin plane - mouth adjustment

    Thanks CC for the advice on mouth closeure, however I doubt I would use this for my best work so "as is" based on the advice from both you and Pete will be the way forward I expect. With regrds to dating, again I had no idea of the duration of manufacture for such planes. However, with the...
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    New Closed Handle Design.

    Again, a beautiful looking tool. The more I see such work the more it inspires me to tackle something similar of my own. I may never achieve your standards Stewie although it is a definate in my woodworking bucket list. As a rough ball park figure - what are the time frames from start to...
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    What tool did you buy today?

    A small woodie arrived last night. David
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    Wooden coffin plane - mouth adjustment

    I recently bought a small wooden plane. I must say I have very limited kinowledge of them so I have two questions which someone may be able to assist with hopefully please. The plane is good condition, no damage as such, crisp corners, no obvious signs of wear, although there is a little...