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    Hardwood FLooring

    Gidon, I considered the veneer but the existing floor is currently a mish-mash of different boards because I have taken out a couple of fireplaces and a chimney so is not really level enough to put anything on top. Other boards are generally uneven. So, a new floor is necessary either way and...
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    Hardwood FLooring

    Well I'm reckoning about the same as a decent carpet. But offcuts of carpet have no practical use. Offcuts of Walnut floor do :-) Andrew
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    Hardwood FLooring

    If I ever win the lottery and can afford THAT then I can consider a new floor as well - or a new house. But probably a new workshop first :-) Now for something a little cheaper bit almost as big try this
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    Hardwood FLooring

    I was going to use either 22mm or 25mm MDPE water pipe. Can't get particularly tight bends on that so should be OK. Would prefer 25mm but I think the tank connectors that I was doing to use only come in 22mm flavor. Still that should be wide enough to get a speaker cable through, especially with...
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    Hardwood FLooring

    And therein lies the reason. The room has a shadow bead at the bottom of the wall. No skirting. The wall stops about half inch from the floor with a recess, i.e. when finished should appear to be floating above the floor. Difficult to describe but you can probably find an example in any book or...
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    Hardwood FLooring

    I would almost hazard to call this woodworking but I know several members of the forum have done this and I am looking for advice and ideas. I want to replace my existing downstairs floorboards with a solid hardwood floor, probably walnut [1], tounge and grooved and secret nailed. Because this...
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    Cordless Drill?

    I can second the votes for the Panasonic. I bought one about two years ago and was particularly taken with the little features like the rubber finish and the chuck that locks when stopped to make it easy to change bits. Not cheap though but a professional tool and a joy to use. Oh, yes and it...
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    Woodworking Show Information

    If the end of Feb fits your timeframe there's the Ally Pally International Woodworking Exhibition on between 25 and 27 Feb 2005 Andrew
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    Butchers Block type things . .

    Shadowfax wrote: Just a thought. Won't that leave a small gap in just right place for water to get down and cause the wood to swell in the first place? Andrew
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    Veritas Plane Review - Part Nine. Large Shoulder Plane

    Well, judging by the direction of the shadow(s) it looks like the picture may have been taken on Tatooine :-)
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    She's called my bluff - now what ?

    That is exactly what I did use although I am still considering adding the BlumClose soft close mechanism because it just seems to exude an air of quality. What I didn't do is use false fronts, the sides were glued directly to the front which has proved surptisingly accurate, maybe helped by...
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    She's called my bluff - now what ?

    I'll second Martin on the book recomendation. I have just completed a set of wardrobe carcasses. Built in in-so-much as they extend right across the end of the room. I used maple-veneered 19mm MDF with solid maple edgings held together with biscuit joints. They look reasonable, I didn't make...
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    Breaking Titebond Joints (or other ideas)

    Ike wrote: The front of the drawer overlaps the side pieces on each side by about 8mm. The side pieces have what can only be called a tenon on the inner side which fits into a slot routed 14mm from the edge of the drawer front. The rear of the drawer is fitted using a lap joint to either side...
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    Breaking Titebond Joints (or other ideas)

    Thanks for all your responses. Chris, resawing the front was one thing that I had not thought of. I will investigate but fear that because it is the bottom drawer in a stack of ascending sizes it may be too tall to go under my bandsaw. I had considered just cutting the sides to remove the...
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    Polishing Brush

    The polishing brush in question came from Chestnut Products and fits in a cordless drill to provide a fast spinning brush for buffing a wax finish. There is not really much to say about it. There is an arbor that fits in an electric drill, a cordless is ideal, and although the bristles look...
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    Breaking Titebond Joints (or other ideas)

    Ooops, I’ve ****ed :oops: I have spent all weekend assembling and finishing a set of drawers. These are constructed from 12mm birch ply with 6mm ply base and 19mm veneered MDF fronts. At the design stage I was very careful to include an extra 19mm on both the top and bottom drawers to allow for...
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    Finishing Drawers

    How do folks on this forum normally finish drawers. The drawer bases slide in. Should I seal base and carcase separately and then assemble or assemble first and then finish the completed drawer? Finish is acrylic sanding sealer and acrylic lacquer. Just wondering. Andrew
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    Axminster Website Upgrade

    Gidon wrote: I had noticed that from the new catalogue. If I needed something small like glue I could usually find a few other desirable items to justify taking the order up to £30. But at £45 its getting a bit steep so I am more likely to buy locally if I can. Wonder how much business they...
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    Maximum tenon width

    An interesting discussion. My garage doors are getting to the end of their life and my local builders merchant offers hardwood up and over doors or softwood standard doors. I was enquiring about standard (side opening) hardwood doors and was told that they didn't do them because of the risk of...
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    Tool sources in London and Cornwall

    Okay, I can see that this is going to be a long drawn out process. :? Having changed the filename Alf's link should of course now point here. Unless there is some Cornish conspiracy not not reveal sources of old tools. :wink: Andrew[/u]