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  1. A

    Problems drawing small items

    I am having problems drawing small items in Sketchup. I need some screwheads for a door handle: At the moment I am using slightly raised cheese heads which will probably look OK once the whole assembly is on a door but having tried to create a raised head screw I am not giving up. What I...
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    Question for American members.

    Mike, There is also some form of extended ZIP code of the form ZZZZZ-XXXX where ZZZZZ is the normal zip code and the XXXX part defines the area to a higher precision. Don't know if its is used on private addresses but I have often seen it on business addresses. This might be what some of your...
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    Been Looking at Google Earth...

    Aerial view pictures are considerably older than birds eye view (if available) So probably depends on which you are looking at. Andrew
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    Been Looking at Google Earth...

    Microsoft has just launched their the beta of their challenger to Google Earth (or at least Google maps). Take a peek at A few places feature birdseye views available from four directions. Cambridge and Swindon are two that I know about. Possible to see the windows of my...
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    Trying to order spare AEG part online - NBG?

    Works here but you DO need to have pop-ups unblocked. That may be your problem. I usually have them turned off but at least Opera tells you. Andrew
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    Kitchens and house selling

    So do I, and probably a lot of people on these forums. But let us not forget that there are a LOT of people out there who don't know one end of a screwdriver from another and (fortunately for us) will happily pay a premium for a house that they just can move into. Why else do you think that so...
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    Been Looking at Google Earth...

    And just south of Saffron Walden there is Ugley, although I think that the Ugley Woman's Institute has now changed its name. :wink: Talking of Google Earth. Does anyone know what is at 51*20'39.02"N 0*20'45.61"W? or on Google Maps here: ... 4&t=k&om=1...
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    Friday SketchUp Tips (FSUT)

    Dave, Have managed to get a jpeg, so here it is: I started with importing one of the downloaded profiles Exploded the group (or was it a component?) erased the surplus straight lines Selected all and ran Weld Rotated in all three planes to get it into the correct orientation Created a 'box'...
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    Friday SketchUp Tips (FSUT)

    Dave, To come back to the original tip about welding - I have just tried this and when I push-pull the curves really are smooth as expected. However If I then use the welded shape as a basis for a follow me command - I was trying to create a cornice from one of the downloaded cross-sections -...
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    Importing AutoCad drawings into SketchUp

    Can I just say thanks to all who have helped me with this. I can now read in the parts that I need and am beginning to learn the complexities of putting things together. Andrew
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    Importing AutoCad drawings into SketchUp

    Rather I think the whole office might hear the few choice words when I fail to get SU to do what I want it to. :lol:
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    Importing AutoCad drawings into SketchUp

    Dave, I'll give it a try this evening. Unfortunately running SU at work may be a bit too obvious. Interested though that you say to import the DXF file. I have been using the DWG, native AutoCad file. Is that likely to make a difference? Andrew
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    Importing AutoCad drawings into SketchUp

    I tried Dave's suggestion last night. I can explode the imported drawing easily enough but the resultant faces won't push-pull. However if I replace a line in the outline - any line will do - then I can get a face to pull. So it works but needs a bit of fiddling. For what I am trying to do that...
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    Importing AutoCad drawings into SketchUp

    Well, I would hope that all the lines join up. My simple experiment was with a simple closed poly-line, so as far as AutoCad is concerned it is a single element made up of lines between several points. I was hoping that I would be able to do a simple push-pull on the resultant imported shape...
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    Importing AutoCad drawings into SketchUp

    Dave, Yes, I can explode it but all that leaves me with is a series of lines which I cannot use to push/pull etc. Steve, Thanks, I will send it through to you this evening when I get home. Andrew
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    Importing AutoCad drawings into SketchUp

    I had hoped to be able to import simple 2D AutoCad drawings into Google SketchUp and use the imported shapes in the same manner as a SketchUp shape, i.e. be able to extrude it, edit it etc. However after a few simple experiments all have have ended up with is a drawing that I can move around but...
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    SU - Precise Dimensions

    Dave, That sounds like what I am trying to acheive - the 'I have something that I think would be better a bit bigger' problem. I will give it a go when I get home tonight. Andrew
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    SU - Precise Dimensions

    Also new to SU here but is there anyway of resizing an object using this method. If I select something and type in the VCB it adjusts the object by that amount rather than making it that size. But sure I will get there in the end. Andrew
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    Problem with Dulux Once

    I used Dulux professional fast drying undercoat for the first time at the end of last year and now wouldn't use anything else. It's water based, it covers well and provides a good key for the top coat. It dries in a couple of hours so the whole painting job can be completed in a day. No more...
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    Source for 'modern' staircase

    Roger, Have you taken a look at Bisca? That is what I would call modern design but I don't think it is exactly cheap. Andrew