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  1. D

    Table saw purchase or not..?

    I will second Dusty Daves comments about these cheap table saws, I had one from B&Q, many years ago, gave it away when I got the Wadkin. I think you would do better to get a nice high quality blade for the bandsaw and make a shooting board if you don't have one.
  2. D

    New workshop build -design and ideas stage-any input wanted!

    Liam, Are those lumps of cast iron Wadkin by any chance? You have some useful looking machines there. 8)
  3. D

    Long hole boring

    Another option for drilling the hole could this Currently on ebay for £6.20 +£3.60 p&p and not a hint of bagpipes anywhere. :wink:
  4. D

    new workshop

    What a silly question! :shock: Of course we need to see pictures, or it did not happen. :wink:
  5. D

    Pen - what wood? ....a very small competition....

    Well if you come this way to pick them up, shout and I would made you welcome. :D
  6. D

    Pen - what wood? ....a very small competition....

    Mike, I can help your hurt, pop over and I will sort out a hand full of pen blanks for you. :D 8) :wink:
  7. D

    Bread Makers - practical solution or a marketing exercise?

    We are on our second one, and I have a bought a new pan for that! I bake at least two loaves a week, overnight so I wake to the smell of fresh bread. I use a wholemeal malted flour from Waitrose most of the time but like some of the bread mixes from Wrights, the chilli is great but I have to buy...
  8. D

    Official Secret Santa Picture Thread

    I would love to post a picture but that would require package to be received, I am told it has been posted, I will let you know when it arrives. :?
  9. D

    Which cheap Pillar Drill

    Check etd-trading on ebay, not much currently listed but I bought a motor from them for the second hand pillar drill I got from ebay.
  10. D

    Replacement Batteries

    Ah I think they are trying to say they only ship to the UK and Ireland, its not worded very clearly.
  11. D

    Replacement Batteries

    That an odd statement Roy, from their web site:
  12. D

    odds and ends for sale (ONLY NORTON STONE NOW LEFT)

    Pants, missed them, look useful for on the old cast iron in my shop. :x
  13. D

    2009 Handtool Secret Santa

    I posted mine on Monday, not received a package yet, but there is still plenty of time. :D
  14. D

    Dado blade - why not...

    I think you will find the 10 second rule applies to all of the workshop machines, it is to protect the users from machine that without a brake will run on for a long time, with very little noise. On a well set-up machine this can be several minutes. This can lead to cutters being touched while...
  15. D

    Cheap planes

    Alf, Looks like a good usable tool, not cheap as the thread title says, looking forward to seeing the shavings. 8)
  16. D

    Which Glue?

    I have bought some metal cuff link findings and today have a go at turning some inserts for them. On the other cuff links I made I use epoxy to glue them up, but this time the wood is African black wood and I wonder if the epoxy will stick to it? I do have the Chestnut super glues aswel. So...
  17. D

    Quick Question About FP

    I guess Tom is talking about french polish, not floating point. :twisted:
  18. D

    Scrolling a US Marshall badge

    Mike, Six is the easy one, draw your circle and then mark where you want the first point. Take your compass, still set at the radius of the circle and put it spike in your mark, use it to mark two points on the circle, these are the next points of your star, just move the compass round to get...
  19. D

    BAS315 Belt

    Dave, Thanks for that idea, I have been to Peter Child a number of times, I rang Roy and he said they don't have any now but to try the company that Tom linked to. I have now ordered 2 belts for the band saw and a spare for the lathe, cost including postage was just under £20.
  20. D

    Hello and help please

    Hi Dave, Welcome to the forum. :D Your links have been caught by our spam trap, this will stop once you have a few more posts to you name.