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  1. D

    todays bits

    Well I am glad to posted that last picture, I had no idea you had turned it into a box. :oops: Nice looking work George, I have a gas torch but have never taken it to wood on purpose. :shock:
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    fathers day pressie

    Oh very nice an anti clock, makes time in the shop last longer. :roll: :D :wink:
  3. D

    Cheap sanding sealer brushes

    I put the missing w into the link. :)
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    Turning plastic

    Says the man who will not turn. :roll: :wink:
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    Drill, needs a motor

    Well chaps I paid £5 for it on ebay. :D I have a pulley and it is a Picador that the chap gave to me with the machine, it had rolled out of shot in the boot. :roll: I could lift it in and out of the boot OK in the two parts that it is currently in, not sure I could pick the whole thing up. :x...
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    Wedding goblets. For critique

    Now I love these. :D I need some bigger blanks and a captive ring tool. :roll:
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    Drill, needs a motor

    I have been looking for a pillar drill that has more than 2" of movement for drilling pen blanks, trouble is most of the nice ones are well over £100. :evil: I made a detour on the way home tonight and arrived home with this in the back of the car: I know its not pretty, but then nor am I...
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    what table saw to buy?

    I am guilty of swapping the motor on a Wadkin, read about it here, its not that hard and the machine should out last you, mine will me. :D
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    Sanding --> dirty finish

    Graham, Are you sanding something with the walnut and tulipwood together? I find that the sanding dust from the dark wood will discolour the light one, I use an air line to blow the dust off, it mostly works. :roll:
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    FOR SALE - Bandsaw Blades & Sanding Belt

    Doh, too big for my EB315 or I would of had them. :twisted:
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    need a veriable speed lathe cash waiting

    Hi Jasdon79, Welcome to the forum. :D Also what size/type of lathe are you looking for, tell us the sort of things you want to turn to give us a guide.
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    a little hello

    Hi Andy, Welcome to the forum. :D
  13. D

    Very strange question from someone with limited knowledge..

    Do you mean these, sold by a camping retailler?
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    Dust filter project and Trend Vari-Jig

    Roger, Well done, you have made a much more sturdy unit compared to mine. Should last for years. 8) Mine is still going strong and it was made from thin ply and second hand hardboard. :roll: This type of air cleaner is well worth buying/making, the amount of dust collected is quite surprising...
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    Skew Chisel -v- scraper !!

    I have a 3/4" oval and a monster 1 1/2" rolled edge, for most things I reach for the big beasty. I am only a beginner and it was on a days training with Richard Findley that I first used a rolled edge skew and I just found for many cuts it was easier for me to control. One of the rules when...
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    Fox vs Woodstar

    Hi Foggy, I have not used any the kit you have linked to, but to my eyes they look like router tables with the router built in, they are not true spindle moulders. As long as you are only using router cutters, not spindle tooling they will probably work OK for small mouldings.
  17. D

    My Workbench Design - Drawer Sizing (page 3)

    Olly, I made a small drawer chest that sits under my bench, look here, if I did it again I would loose one of the small drawers and make all of the rest a little bit deeper, but all of them are full now, looking for more space* elsewhere. :whistle: *The Final Frontier :roll:
  18. D

    Can I turn my router table into a bobbin sander?

    I don't think this is a good idea, the router runs at a high rpm and the sandpaper would burn. If you did slow the router down to the right speed the motor would overheat as the cooling fan would not be running at a high enough speed to be effective.
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    Chopping board finishes??

    If you want to race the board you should use Castrol R, can't beat that smell :shock: :roll: :wink:
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    Increasing chip collection capacity

    Doh, beaten to it by BSM and his idea is in the UK. ](*,) Must type faster. :whistle: