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  1. wcndave

    Best spray system for small workshop

    I was also looking at the Earlex after seeing it on the wood whisperer website. It does seem that the main factor is location, whether or not you need the spray booth. I assume that if you do it outside then a respirator will do. or are you suggesting that you set up some kind of gazebo...
  2. wcndave

    Sealey or Scheppach bandsaw dilema.

    I have a Basato1. it was fine when I worked in my garden shed which was effectively 5' x 10'. I had this on a benchtop. It's okay if you're a real once in awhile hobby type woodworker, but if you want to make anything serious such as furniture, if you want to re-saw, if you want to cut...
  3. wcndave

    Completed projects

    Ah, that makes more sense, the entire top is MDF, not just the centre piece. what is "strining"? also when you rounded the edges, did you not find the join between the veneer and edging was visible? or did you somehow match the grains?
  4. wcndave

    Completed projects

    If you create your own veneers, of about 2-3mm thick, do you still think there would be some movement issues?
  5. wcndave

    Completed projects

    Quick question, although this was posted a while back... the toybox looks frame and panel style so that there is room for movement. How is room achieved on the bedside tables. if that central panel expands even slightly, won't it blow out all the mitered joints? I ask because i did something...
  6. wcndave

    A Plane Question

    I wrestled with sharpening for a while, and know a lot of scary sharp people from my knife making (see my avatar to left), and i ended up with a worksharp, which is scary sharp with power. (actually when the deal was on i got two, so i don't have to change grits). however i see WSH sells some...
  7. wcndave

    A Plane Question

    I can get them over there, however I still can't do it on ebay, unless i set up a whole new account, credit card etc... however I can order from workshop heaven and it's only £10 delivery to here, so think i'll do that and get some card scrapers at the same time. I am thinking i should leave...
  8. wcndave

    A Plane Question

    I've been banned from the bay :-( they won't let me pay in pounds, cos i live outside Europe, however they won't let me pay euros, cos i registered my account in UK, and you can't change this. I owe them £1.25, they sent me about 200 emails, i said i was happy to pay, if the button that says...
  9. wcndave

    A Plane Question

    Yes, that's my Stanley, bevel DOWN, that might make a bit of difference... I suppose with the #5 my question is, is that the right plane to have if I only own one, and I have no specific purpose. All i know is i'm not going to flatten a benchtop anytime soon... I went to workshopheaven and see...
  10. wcndave

    A Plane Question

    If you're offering me one, that's great :ho2
  11. wcndave

    A Plane Question

    I have a stanley plane that is about 8" long and has TB3 written on it. It's a real cheap piece of rubbish from B&Q for £15, however i figured if i tuned up the iron, it might do ok (previously i had (gasp) used straight out of the box...) I then watched some woodsmith magazine video, and it...
  12. wcndave


    For what its worth I will be driving from Croydon and have a seven seater. However I have to get my catalytic converter fixed first and will only be in the country for a week before the visit. Assuming its ok, anyone willing to risk a last minute hiatus can come with me
  13. wcndave


    DAVID MOORE looking forward to it!
  14. wcndave

    Any useful woodworking Apps for the iPad?

    well, now you know there's no excuse not to rush out and get a new phone! you can see how many exciting things you can do with them! We mustn't neglect android either, they have almost as many apps as Apple these days... Note that the OP did ask about woodie apps... I did look for the app...
  15. wcndave

    Any useful woodworking Apps for the iPad?

    There's a few useful things for woodworkers. Ability to price check when you're in a shop and suddenly see some new "must have" toy.... Another as yet untapped future idea is augmented reality, so when you want to repair / fiddle with / change something, you point camera at the tool, and it...
  16. wcndave

    What the...Man shoots [3"] nail into brain without noticing

    You know i thought the very same thing when i first looked at it.... apologies for the duplicate thread, didn't know other members used the internet! (homer)
  17. wcndave

    What the...Man shoots [3"] nail into brain without noticing
  18. wcndave

    Hand Dowlling Machine

    BTW: love the sales patter on that Mafell.... So the only one then... could also argue it's the least precise / most expensive :-)
  19. wcndave

    Hand Dowlling Machine

    Yer, I would agree, dowelling jigs are very tricky to use and take time. for carcasses it's a waste of time. If you were going to spend 600, you could get the domino for only a bit more. I have a domino though, and don't use for kitchen cabinets, as you cannot take them apart and assemble on...