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  1. DomValente

    Ajax Pillar Drill

    Hi Eyal, I may be mistaken but believe Ajax were mainly foundry drills there is a website here where they specialise in old tools info. They are very helpful and enjoy a challenge. Dom
  2. DomValente

    Circular Saw

    Of course the above company doesn't advertise it's wares in that magazine, does it? :shock: Dom
  3. DomValente

    Router table insert

    Hmmm. Might be wrong but, you pays yer money and you gets what you pay for. :) Dom
  4. DomValente

    British Hardwoods-Good Service

    After taking advice from Tim I ordered a quantity of timber from British Hardwoods. The delivery was made in good time by a carrier, although the wood was loose on a pallet, we initially accepted the drivers story that it was loaded in this way. After checking we soon realised that there was a...
  5. DomValente

    Van is a pain

    Or, you could park it where he normally parks his van. Dom
  6. DomValente

    Van is a pain

    I live in a quite cul-de-sac, at the weekend it's lovely. Trouble is that I live half a mile from a mainline station and during the week we can't put our cars away because commuters park their cars on every inch of space, believe me I've tried everything, don't resort to violence or abuse, they...
  7. DomValente

    Table saw jigs

    Hi Martin, some clever ideas. Please, please fit at least a splitter and a crown guard when not tenonin. Also I would try and fit an extension table under that cross cut arm, it will give you more control of your timber i.e. it won't drop when sawing and snag the blade, the results are...
  8. DomValente

    Vote for me!

    O.K. we need to vote from work computers, or friends computers, or computer shops, go in and ask for a demo, no, no get friends to vote e-mail, wait chain letter votes.........sorry, sorry got carried away.
  9. DomValente

    Morticer problems

    Ahh, don't you just love a happy ending?
  10. DomValente

    Shaker Style Table

    I like that Charley, very nice finish. Good gloat too Bessey, Festool..... :) Very clever the way you took the picture whilst turning. Dom
  11. DomValente

    Uploading pics

    Yup that'll do it. Dom
  12. DomValente

    Uploading pics

    Click on the img box in the site you are using, it should say, copied. Then come back to the forum and and from the drop down edit menu paste. if that doesn't work see you on the 18th. :) Dom
  13. DomValente

    Vote for me!

    Looks like we've been sussed, just tried to vote again and was told, this IP address has already voted. Dom
  14. DomValente

    Fitted wardrobes

    Nice work RK, as Senior said good quality, however unless the customers brief was that style then I have to agree again with him it is very old fashioned. Please don't feel insulted we're here to help each other, Senior has a successful business in his part of the country and I scrape a living...
  15. DomValente


    Those are lovely danny, I too like the smaller one best. Dom
  16. DomValente

    Veritas Surface Clamp - a review

    Excellent review Paul, thank you. Dom
  17. DomValente

    Polyurethane Glue

    For anyone who has never used Poly glue, wear gloves or you'll have black stained fingers for a week. Dom
  18. DomValente

    Woods for barges

    Don't they make Chinese junks from Elm?
  19. DomValente

    Mini Bash - Salisbury

    Yes, and I took time out to sharpen them :twisted: Dom
  20. DomValente


    How much do you need?