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  1. C

    Question: Do you prefer the old tools (pre electric) or new?

    I like tools that basically do what they re supposed to do. Unlike the previous poster, I actually DO quite enjoy ripping timber, but then I have a very old correctly designed diston ripsaw, freshly sharp, it rips very efficiently and is a pleasure to use. Todday I was working my refurbed...
  2. C

    An easy way to make bookshelves

    I once lived in South West Durham, where there are some interesting examplles of vernacular architecture. I often saw that painted oak effect on front doors, featuring the quarter sawn fleck effect. Apparently at one time that was part of the trade of painter and decorator.
  3. C

    As if to emphasise the point

    LOL I posted recently about discovering a nice planing stop in my bench, and of my intention to refurb it and include it in my refurbed bench. Today I had a rather nasty experience. I had set a screw at one end of a heavy plank, to use as a tempory planing stop to plane a smaller plank. Usually...
  4. C

    A new toy hits the market....

    Blatant makita product placemnt :roll: The so called "carved moulding" is a b####y insult :x "If your job is bigger than the work area of the Handibot you will be able to use clever jigs and systems to index or register the tool across much bigger work surfaces. " So you will still need to...
  5. C

    Reccomend a rebater.

    Thinking about it , its probably not the best use of such a specialist tool....apparently the snipe's bill planes are more tetchy than most moulding planes as regards grain orientation, so you would definately need a pair. If I want a clean shoulder I scribe it a few times with the sharp knife...
  6. C

    Reccomend a rebater.

    Thanks for the info Mike :D I had heard of snipe bill but never really paid any attention to it until now.. I saw a few pictures and so forth doing a quick google. Looks the biz not only to start grooves, but also cleaning up mouldings too? I have 2 moulding planes that work nicely, sash...
  7. C

    Reccomend a rebater.

    I love the little rebate planes, straight or skewed. Incredibly, a few days ago I managed to start a rebate putting the plane tilting on edge simply resting in the fine line made by the marking guage, 2 or 3 very careful gentle passes, then bring it up vertical to continue the process once there...
  8. C

    An unexpected surprise

    Yes you could, although Alexander does tend to improvise/adapt/reuse with whatever material happens to be at hand at any particular time The one that came out of my bench uses a piece of hacksawed angle iron rebated in, with the screws (3 of them) going into the side of the oak stop, not end...
  9. C

    An unexpected surprise

    LOL I dont know if I care to be ahead of any crowd, dont want to get crushed in a stampede if it goes pear shaped up.... :D And thanks for the link. It seems like the bench industry has come a long way since The Workbench Book...! Apparently P Follansbee uses one as well, only (confusingly) he...
  10. C

    An unexpected surprise

    Well, they would wouldnt they...! I wonder what the industry will charge? :D From looking at this humble version, which I like, I would guess a £1 or £2 to make this, an afternoons efforts maybe to cut a piece of angle iron, file the teeth, drill a few screw holes, plane up and shape the oak...
  11. C

    An unexpected surprise

    I have begun to butcher my workbench :shock: well actually it WAS in a pretty rough state. It needs tidying up, reduce the length by 2 feet to 8 feet. I inherited it when I moved to Bournemouth (now living in Suffolk), it was built around 40 or 50 years ago using 10 x 2 pitch pine for the 2...
  12. C

    Brass screws and nuts for an old saw

    Good plan...I have a lot of experience with those split type nuts. For some inexplicable reason the saw makers used them despite the fact they are really quite flimsy and weak. The threaded rod is way too thin on them. The first few times I dismantled a split nut saw I assumed each nut was...
  13. C

    Paul Sellers makes a spoon

    Well, just in case your wondering, it wouldnt be one of mine, I never sold any on line-and I dont live in Derbyshire? either. Who was the maker, just out of interest? You should of sent it back and asked for a refund, and explained exactly why you werent happy with it, thats what I would of done :D
  14. C

    Paul Sellers makes a spoon

    I made lots (100's) of hand carved spoons since about 6 or 7 years ago, using the greenwoodworking "holy grail" tools of axe/knife/hook knife. Just as with cabinet making, greenwoodworking has its own acquired set of prejudices and unwritten rules :?: , most notably-wood must be riven, use NO...
  15. C

    Veritas style marking gauge for half the price

    I got a fantastic marking gauge for the price of 1 masonary nail. (I made my own from bits of crappy busted asian furniture, bits of mahogany and beech, it has a captive wedge-tap & adjust-very fast, extra long jap-style fence) It is needle sharp (re-ground the masonary nail), the pin trails...
  16. C

    Mock ye not !!

    Those who can, get on and do it. Those who cant, write endless platitudes and theory about it..something like that any way (homer)
  17. C

    Mock ye not !!

    LOL I wasted about 5 years of my life paying the motrgage while working in a factory that produced UPVC windows and doors. If you think they are efficient, you are misinformed. The plastic used to make the frames is cheap and usually cut with wax, which means that after a few short years, the...
  18. C

    Mock ye not !!

    I guess "subjective" applies to the differing ways that people approach woodworking too...evidently your and my "taste" in benches, sharpening and other things , is different :?: . "but because the designers were good" exactly the point I was making. Their furniture would of been just as good...
  19. C

    Mock ye not !!

    Woodbrain, can I ask, what do you mean by Tat, or even victorian Tat? Is it a good or bad thing? LOL its ironic dont you think, some of the designers with the best feel for sound form have NOT been the designer maker handicraft ones, but those who made designs to be mass produced (even if in...