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  1. T


    I've found that thin veneers tend to cup more than thick. I think this is due to my practise of damping down the veneer and putting it between MDF under weight to flatten it prior to laying. This, combined with hammer veneered application will cup veneer thats not countered. I think that the...
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    Wheel Marking Gauges Review

    Fantastic review as always Alf, look forward to the next one. I've also got an older Veritas (as well as several of the more traditional ones) can't have too many for some projects! Certainly have always liked the look of the would be LN, but now even more so. Thanks for your trouble. Res.
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    Bessey Uniklamps

    I liked the F clamps that Axminster used to do. The reason i was looking at the Uniklamps and K bodys was for gluing up drawers. The K bodys state the jaws remain square so would make the process easier. Wasn't obvious whether or not the Uniklamps would do the same.
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    Festool Sanders

    Thanks for the replies. I'd looked at the Metabo's before but was unconvinced. As far as magazine head to heads are concerned i'm never too sure as to just how unbiased and subjective such reports are bearing in mind the amount of sponsorships the magazines carry. Would much rather go with the...
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    Bessey Uniklamps

    Anyone use these clamps? I see from the Axminster catalogue that they're £12.55 for a 600x80mm capacity clamp compared to £27.55 for the the equivalent K body clamp. Why is the price so different? are the K bodys that much better? Thanks Steve.
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    Festool Sanders

    But how do you find them to use? Does the Rotex tend to be get away from you a bit? Does it really work as a fine sander as well or is the 150/3 far superior in terms of finishing? Do you use either of them for polishing? Thanks Steve.
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    Teaks market lies with the boatbuilding fraternity mainly. They like long lengths for things like rubbings on the sides of the boats. Also very popular in the 70's for all manner of furniture. Teak is pricey due to its rarity - endangered species = less of it = more money!! Now other timbers...
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    De-humidifier application

    Argus - i remember the article in Finewoodworking. A few years ago i went on one of Bruce Luckhurst courses on buying and drying wood. Very good and informative. We started at a private plantation in Sussex where a froester talked us through the growing and harvesting and moved from there to a...
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    Woodworm - No.2 enemy of the antique (after the owner :shock: ) Walnut is one of the worms favorites. You need to be looking at removing as much of the sapwood as you can before storing it. You can get emitters for your wood store although not too sure from where or how well they work (could try...
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    Axminster service...

    Look for around 60% this should give you a timber MC (moisture content) of around 10 - 11% saves the timber splitting when it goes into the house as furniture! Hows the dehumidifying going Alf?
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    Butterfly inlays

    Why do you want to use these butterflys in the first place? :? Is it to repair a split? They used to be used quite a lot in restoration, but are now frowned on a sway to intrusive. Much better to look at the cause of the split - panel stuck in frame (loosen it off) or more commonly excessive...
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    Festool Sanders

    Anyone got any advice when it comes to which Festool sander to buy? I've been looking at the Rotex 150 and the ES150/3. Useage is for finishing up hardwood panels and timber straight off the planer/thicknesser. Looking for high quality finish as would expect for high end furniture. The polishing...
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    long crack

    Hi Gepetto Looking at picture, full length crack on table top most likely down to shrinkage. Looks like table top has whats know as bread board ends securing boards together. Would suggest that ends being across the grain of the main boards are glued or some other way fixing the main boards so...
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    Anyone got a Hammer C3-31 Combi?

    Fixit, Sorry, forgot to add that i started out with a Record DX500 but on advice from Axminster that this won't shift the large volume of chippings i've bought an ADE2200.
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    Anyone got a Hammer C3-31 Combi?

    Fixit, Please help me this is driving me nuts and costing a fortune as i use the machine for my living. I thought by buying a high quality machine i wouldn't have these problems!! Yes, mine is the equivalent of the A3-31 planer/thicknesser and it does have the serrated bit you mention above the...
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    Anyone got a Hammer C3-31 Combi?

    Thanks for help so far. Have linked to Felders group, but awaiting OK to join in!
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    Anyone got a Hammer C3-31 Combi?

    Hope you can help. I've recently bought one of these machines new and am having a terrible time trying to get proper extraction from the thicknesser. I end up with marks left in the finished surface as a result of stray chips falling down onto the timber and being squashed into the surface by...
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    Where can I get a top Veneered?

    Hammer veneerings not too hard to learn. The problems you are having with the butt joint are likely to be due to the cutting off the overlap. If you overlap the two halves together by about 6mm (or less if trying to get a really good match for the joint) then cut straight through both pieces...
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    Concealed compartments - designs?

    Certainly found a few and some that the owners didn't even know were there (normally empty though) did find one with a picture of a long passed away relative of the clients in, certainly made the bill easier to swallow. As far as making/designing them, as Norman says difficult to describe...
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    Rust in the workshop

    Thanks Adam - Had to be simple - couldn't see the wood from the trees!