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  1. G

    Is it me or is this odd?!

    HaHaaa! You may be right! I too am from Manchester - Whitefield to be precise, but now live in Peterborough. We get everywhere ya know! :wink: Gary
  2. G

    First Tablesaw (On a Budget)

    Nice one snetty. IIRC Dave L used a cheapo saw for years and makes some wonderful pieces. Dunno if he's changed it though. Forgot to mention that bargains are sometimes abound here too :oops: , considering it's where I got my Lecky Becky 315 bandsaw from, for a mere... no I won't gloat, but it...
  3. G

    Help in identifying these woods

    Yep, I agree with the oak and sapele idents. But hell, whatever it is, with a carload of that stuff I see good times ahead! Nice find Barry, and I'm not jealous. Nope. Not one bit!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Right, where's the nearest conservatory company. I'm off skiphunting!! Gary
  4. G

    First Tablesaw (On a Budget)

    Hi snetty and welcome. Yep, unwieldy certainly is a word, and a good 'un too!! I'm with Matt to a degree. I bought a Clarke table saw a few years ago for £100 and it is a bit of a pig. That said though, it's okay for ripping down stock and sheets to size but I have tried more accurate cuts...
  5. G


    Hi there Boabbruce, As the others say, welcome to the forum. You may have noticed that the guys here are really friendly, we have a good set of moderators (no fellas, I'm not after anything, honest!) who keep things well in check, theres always plenty of amateur and professional advice and...
  6. G

    good stuff for sale

    Blimey!!! Love to get my mitts on some of that hardwood :shock: Dunno where the heck I'd put it though :-k
  7. G

    Fox surface Planer

    Hah! That makes three of us! I've been looking at this one too :). It seems pretty good - not quite a Jet but better than I've seen from other budget models. Only thing is, when it comes getting a thicknesser, I think they are all brush motors and not induction so I'm concerned about the noise...
  8. G

    MHG chisels

    Thanks Wolfgang! Nice website they have too...8) Gary
  9. G

    Anyone play guitar?

    I must admit I'm with you chiba, I prefer the Tommy Emmanuel style of guitar... But you might like this young guy - Justin King. Shows what really can be done acoustically :shock:
  10. G

    MHG chisels

    Hmmm, thanks guys. They do seem kinda good but I just wanted to check with you folks 'in-the-know' before diving in. Sorry Andy, must have missed that issue. Only been a subscriber for about a year :oops: But if you are still using them I may have to prise the credit card out of TPTB's purse...
  11. G

    MHG chisels

    Hello again all. (Long time - no see etc. but like a bad penny I turn up every so often! :)) Anyways, just wondering if anyone has recieved the latest email from Rutlands for the offer of 6 MHG chisel set for £39.99 and whether anyone has had any experience with these little fella's. They...
  12. G

    Norm's Sayings...

    Just thought I'd add... ...I'll do this on my saw station. ...we'll take this over to the sanding station. ...I'll shape this at my router station. More stations than British Rail!! Gotta love it though eh? :D Gary
  13. G

    Thoughts on SIP 01497 anyone?

    Hi there V. I dont have any experience of the SIP model but i think it's from the same stable as the Scheppach Woodstar model No personal use of this either sadly but it got 3 1/2 stars in the latest GWW magazine leaflet on...
  14. G

    SIP 01332 10" Table Saw

    Great review Slim, thanks for being so prompt as it was me who asked for it! :D Looks and sounds the beezkneez. Eventually I would love a new saw as I don't know how long I can stand the brush motor on my cheapy Clarke 10" jobby! Even with my radio ear defenders!! Fancy the idea of CI too...
  15. G

    HI guys. If you like woodworking - A little american excess

    Aaaaaw Shucks! Only today i went out and spent my last $4.5M. Just my luck! All that space and he could only fit in 1 bedroom! Some people have no imagination.... :roll: Gary
  16. G

    table saw rip fence

    Cool Slimjim, a review would be most helpful even though it may be a while before i can look at a saw, by which time you'll have tamed the beast and be able to give a time served opinion! :) Have fun with it. Glad to be of help. Thanks for the info (and to Les too ;)) Gary
  17. G

    table saw rip fence

    Les. Is the SIP sliding carriage able to be retro fitted? I must admit it does look pretty good especially with the C/I table surface. GWW gave it a good review too IIANM. Cheers Gary edit. just found it for £469 here too Slimjim...
  18. G

    table saw rip fence

    Have you considered the Scheppach 2010? Seems to have dropped in price quite a bit. I'm thinking of this one myself in time. And you can add sliding carriage/ ext. tables if required. Pretty much on your budget methinks.. HTH Gary
  19. G

    A pair of A13's but i need your help Bugbear

    No probs Ian, no matter how they are shot, they are still DAMN fine pieces of art in their own right!!! 8) If only Scotland wasn't so far away I would offer to call in and have a go at shooting them myself. Any excuse for a 'play'! :lol: ...or are they for exhibition purposes only....? Gary
  20. G

    A pair of A13's but i need your help Bugbear

    Ian Try reflecting some of the light around with some white card and/or silver foil as home made reflectors. this may direct the light to where you want it to go. Also if your camera can shoot in RAW mode ( Fuji's usually do I think) this is much better for post shot 'tweaking' when you have...