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  1. AndyBoyd

    In need of chair making tools

    HS As fortune has it, I'm about to make a set of chairs for the house - a copy of David Savages Love chairs - gee I'm trembling just thinking about it. Anyway for Xmas I got a Harris spoke shave and travisher for the project (From Dick) from Anke. You welcome to use the travisher (the only fee...
  2. AndyBoyd

    Bleaching Sycamore

    I am making some cupboard doors from ripple sycamore (well luckily I discovered the ripple when dimensioning the waney boards), and they will be place in a narrow hallway that is a little dark, so the whiter they are the brighter the place will look and the further back they will seem - that's...
  3. AndyBoyd

    Merry Christmas from 'The Team'

    Nadolig Llawen
  4. AndyBoyd

    Forum Users Hand Planes

    Stanley Bedrocks: 603,603,604,604 1/2,605,605 1/2,606,607,608 LN: No 85, 98, 99, 60 1/2 Clifton: 3110 ECE: 701P Harris Spokeshave (do these count?)
  5. AndyBoyd

    Pillar Drill and Sanding machine?

    I've got the same as this ... 17&recno=4 but mine is branded by a German Company and not Perform. I replaced the stick on disk with stick on Velcro which also adds a nice cushion and it works a treat for 120euro or 99 quid from Axminster. That and my...
  6. AndyBoyd

    A new twist on a Cherry finish (well, not really)

    I've done this before - ran out of cherry and has some tulip wood just the right size. I used garnet shellac (Jeff Jewitt does this in Fine Woodworking Mag to age Cherry). You can stop the blotches by wiping in some very thin clear shellac first then putting a coat or 2 of the garnet shellac...
  7. AndyBoyd

    Finishing Drawers

    I do the base, then assemble the drawer and then finish the drawer, I use shellac for the inside, and a wax for the outside, (the front has a matching finish to the rest of the piece) I find most finishes smell a little funny (eventually) when applied to inside drawers and cupboards, Shellac...
  8. AndyBoyd

    Steve Knight Plane

    Forgotten he'd ordered it! What's he like? Just jealous of course
  9. AndyBoyd

    UK sources for quality (brass) fittings?

    Isaac Lord - Marshall Brass - Martin & Company - Andy
  10. AndyBoyd

    Lie Nielsen Number 9 question

    I just calmed my twitching credit card down and look what happens more temptations! Anyone out there got any of these beauties? p.s. no more mentions of the footy - but what a ref!
  11. AndyBoyd

    In search of a particular glue bottle

    Noel just noticed your a Celtic brother, I'm listening on the net at the moment 2-2, 5 mins to go or so - everthings crossed. Nothing intended Noel just saw a fellow Welshman on the board
  12. AndyBoyd

    In search of a particular glue bottle

    That's it exactly, albeit I don't believe the text when it says it has a 9 litre capacity for glue (2 gallons!) Here's hoping Wales can get 3 points tonight eh? Cheers
  13. AndyBoyd

    Lie Nielsen Number 9 question

    I've just re-read my message and when I say i keep getting close to odering one, I mean the LN not the Hotley, mind you come the lotto win and I'll order the full set of Hotleys! Dream dreams dreams
  14. AndyBoyd

    In search of a particular glue bottle

    Mantra Can you try again with the link. Seems to give a not allowed problem - but hey thanks for the reply It really is wonderfully simple device, ah for the picture - 100 words n all that!
  15. AndyBoyd

    Lie Nielsen Number 9 question

    How anyone who has spent a few grand on a plane actually is brave enough to use it - is beyond me! What if you dropped it! It's bad enough when I drop any of my Bedrocks or my LNs, but hey that's on only a couple of hundred not a couple of grand (and al ong wait for a new one!) Point taken on...
  16. AndyBoyd

    In search of a particular glue bottle

    I use here on my course a glue bottle that is rather useful, but I'll be blown if I can find one to buy for myself! I do not have a photo but will take one on Friday, but here goes for a description: One side is the glue well white plastic square in shape with a round lid to top up with new...
  17. AndyBoyd

    Lie Nielsen Number 9 question

    I'm under the tutelage of Han Koot watch out this is dutch. But all his pupils look for any excuse to use the 9, it's an absolute delight. One of our more wealthy patrons has actually ordered the Hotley version at some...
  18. AndyBoyd

    Wipe on polyeurethane varnish - is it available over here?

    To add a little more to this topic, I order Bartley wipe on varnish from the US via ( a half pint pot of the varnish is 6$ and I just ordered 5 at a postage cost of 20$. And with the $ to euro rate being...
  19. AndyBoyd

    A Cheap Stanley #1 Anyone?

    Thanks Andy for the link to Hotley Planes, now I can drool and play what if I won the lottery Andy
  20. AndyBoyd

    Workshop plumbed in waste system

    Thanks for the tips, I never knew the loss was so much, so I'll need to source some 110 mm pipe that will fit my blast gates and a larger section for the run in to the DX5000 - sorry I had not separated the Record Power from Record/Irwin. But I do remember when I bought the DX500o they were...