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  1. L

    Ever had a eureka moment too late?

    I needed to cut a very minor taper into a vertical piece of architrave (0.4degrees!) due to fitting a doorframe AFTER plastering the wall - lesson learnt. I carefully built a two meter taper jig, only to realise just as I was finishing it I could have just stuck some scrap on the back of the...
  2. L

    Choice of workshop vac?

    A screwfix titan vac and a plastic cyclone (dust commander is a popular brand but they're all much of a muchness).
  3. L

    6mm MDF screening panel

    Not an overly big thing so just laminate two 3mm sheets?
  4. L

    Table saw upgrade

    I've got a startrite 175 and it's brilliant, they're not dear second hand either. Having said that, if you're making hives and frames etc then are you sure you need a table saw? A mitre saw might be a better fit...
  5. L

    NOW SOLD 240v Fobco star pillar drill

    If there's any way of getting this to Lancashire then I'd be interested, only reason I've passed on this is the distance.
  6. L

    How to move a heavy lathe

    I can't comment on the value, but rollers and a hoist would be the requirement if you're moving it yourself I'd suggest.
  7. L

    Fence panel construction

    Thanks Mike. Noted on the larger bottom gap. I can't upload a sketch right now, but I'm effectively talking about a rectangular frame with featherboarding sandwiching it. The aim is to have something that looks good from both sides.
  8. L

    Fence panel construction

    One job this summer is replacing all of the fence panels in the house I've moved into as I don't think they will last another winter. I haven't built panels before so I thought I would check my plans with the wisdom on here. Panels are on top of a 3ft brick wall, with brick piers spaced 4ft to...
  9. L

    Ever had a eureka moment too late?

    Ever completed a task with a lot of prep and fiddling, only to realise just as you finish it off there was a far simpler way and you've just wasted hours of your life? I'd clearly never do such a thing, I'm, Erm, asking for a friend...
  10. L

    Has anyone used Elu Planer thicknessers?

    I have a DW1150 I'm looking to part with at the moment, I'm trying to source a larger old English machine. I'm west Lancs.
  11. L

    Chisel sharpening grind wheel

    Purely sharpening or are you looking to reshape too?
  12. L

    Osmo polyx

    He's the first electronic woodworking encyclopedia to pass the Turing test you know..
  13. L

    Recommendations for a reasonably priced digital camera

    At that budget you're into DSLR territory which would be a much better investment for you than another little compact. It depends what your criteria are really, but the lens will be a country mile ahead of a compact.
  14. L

    Which old English P/T?

    Thanks both. I'm ignorant to tersa blades so will have to do some reading.
  15. L

    Which old English P/T?

    I've been making do with a well used and abused DW1150 P/T but I'm starting to look around. It will be hobby use, but I would like to get something that will do me for life, hence the love for old English. It would need to be single phase, width doesn't need to be any more than 8", but I'd like...
  16. L

    Which new TV?

    Neither are great TV brands I'm afraid. What's your budget, and how far away from it do you sit?
  17. L

    Rutlands Plunge Saw

    Interesting, is that to improve the top face of the cut? I had assumed tracks aws were the same as circular saws other than the guide.
  18. L

    Theory of interior house door (and frame) fitting

    Thanks for all the help, pictures below. So, the outcome? Frame fixings are excellent, and they broadly went up without issue. I do have a slight plaster bulge on the left side of the double doorway by a couple of mm, so I'll have to scallop out the architrave a bit there - it wasn't worth...
  19. L

    Countersink drill set advice sought

    I don't think you can get them as a set, but the dewalt ones are the only ones I've tried worth anything.
  20. L

    Theory of interior house door (and frame) fitting

    Sanded and undercoated it yesterday so the unevenness is manageable now. Going to need an extra pair of hands to hold the frame in place I think but other than that I should be all set now, thanks for all the advice :).