So this is essentially just maintaining a spreadsheet? At 5 minutes a month? If so, more than happy to do that, and since I'm only just starting to turn again I definitely won't be looking to enter any competitions this year.
No, if I'm understanding your description right, then as long as the wheel is true across the edge surface, it will be fine. That said, if your pillar drill table isn't level then that's a problem in itself that could do with sorting!
How does that compare to the 2000? I can see the obvious differences on the website, but I was wondering if the jump in price was worth it, or whether a 2000 would suffice?
Hmmm, ok. 100mb is fine if you're just shifting the odd bit here and there, but if you're going to be shifting Gbs on a regular basis you'll want to look at going to Cat5e cable since that will open up Gigabit network to you (you don't need to both with 6, plus it's stiffer so it's a royal pain...
Aha, I may be new to this forum, and a novice in the realms of woodwork, but this is an area where I'm more than happy to step up to the podium!
There are several options available to you, and several factors in particular to consider in order to assess those options.
Self contained...
What do you guys consider as a long or short bevel for a skew? I'd just view mine as "normal", but then again I've never experimented with different bevel lengths...
I find the diamond parting tool to be all I need (I don't do any work fine enough to warrant the narrow one). Binding is certainly less of an issue with them, but usually you can easily widen the cut slightly without affecting the work so I wouldn't get too hung up on that personally.
I've been looking at the above, and have pulled up a couple of mentions via the Search function, but no opinions on how people have found this. I'm not keen to fork out for something like a Tormek unless there's no alternative (which I struggle to believe), and was wondering if this was a decent...
Just thought I'd say hello in here since I've joined for the turning. Not long moved into my first house and I've nearly reached that wonderous point when the garage stops being a base of operations for renovations and instead becomes what it should be, a wood workshop!
I've rescued a rather...