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  1. L

    Timber variation & Mortise/Tenon runs

    I will have a look then :)
  2. L

    Timber variation & Mortise/Tenon runs

    Afraid that's not me Steve. I'm learning in a somewhat haphazard order as it's down to what projects I'm doing at any given time and my small workshop. As always, the advice I get on here is fantastic. Cheers!
  3. L

    Timber variation & Mortise/Tenon runs

    There may not be much romance in that but it means I can indulge my love of creating jigs at least!
  4. L

    Timber variation & Mortise/Tenon runs

    Figured as much, cheers. With the variation in most timber sold as PAR, I assume everything gets thicknessed by you so you have confidence in the consistency of the raw material?
  5. L

    Timber variation & Mortise/Tenon runs

    A theoretical question here as I've been doing some reading tonight to improve my theory understanding of all things joint-related. The M&T has been around forever, and I've made a few in the past for windows etc, but never many, and always by hand, marking up "best face" and measuring each M&T...
  6. L

    How to plunge rout small pieces?

    I still have to tag scrap around it though to support the router base which is the issue.
  7. L

    How to plunge rout small pieces?

    The only idea I've come up with (and also been able to find on the net) is a custom cam-clamp sheet for this, so I'm interested if there is a better way. Let's say I have a small piece of 15mm thick stock, that measures just a few inches by a few inches. If I want to put parallel slots on a...
  8. L

    First Joinery Project

    Thanks, where did you get that from? I've got lots of white oak stock so I might as well get some in - a quick Google shows all the suppliers being stateside rather than over here?
  9. L

    First Joinery Project

    Well that explains that issue then! Am I best using purchased wood filler for white oak? Thanks for the post :)
  10. L

    First Joinery Project

    I've done a fair bit of woodwork over the years, but I'd class pretty much everything I've done as either a) building related, or b) turning. I've never really done what I'd consider "proper" joinery. Since I needed a small set of shelves for my study, I thought I'd change that. In short, I...
  11. L

    Virgin Media.

    Similar to MusicMan, I've had VM for years without any significant issues. The main selling point for me is that their broadband is head and shoulders above the rest of the offerings out there. Their old router (Superhub 1) used to have Wifi issues with some devices, but Superhub 2 solved that...
  12. L

    I hate electrics

    No possibility to get them running from different circuits?
  13. L

    Death of the Internet ?

    Yup. Of course things will grow in scale, the scale of devices connected to the internet is increasing. Botnets have been around since the 90's, and poor default security on consumer devices is nothing new. It takes all of this throughput to target a single victim network. "Creating a recipe"...
  14. L

    Death of the Internet ?

    I assume this is tongue in cheek?
  15. L

    Coffee table design ideas

    Thanks for the reply, that's a fantastic bit of info because I wouldn't even have thought of considering that. I might just use some ebonising lacquer on a separate oak strip to create the detail, that might be the better approach. Cheers!
  16. L

    To shed or not to shed, that is the question...

    Thanks guys. @ComfortablyNumb - Yes I can, but before I start designing and pricing something up myself I wanted to see what the market had to offer. Sounds like I might be needing to design and price up a shed of my own I guess. Simple idea might not be the quick fix I had planned :P. As...
  17. L

    To shed or not to shed, that is the question...

    I'm really starting to struggle with having my workshop confined to a small single garage, so I've been looking at options to expand. I don't want to go down the extension route as my house layout would make it very complicated, so I've been looking at sheds. My current thinking is to put a...
  18. L

    Triton TRA001 dust extraction

    Well what I bought was labelled as 32mm and fits perfectly. That said, I've never measured it myself so maybe it was a happy mistake on the sizes?! I'll check at the weekend and confirm back.
  19. L

    Triton TRA001 dust extraction

    32mm hoover hose threads into it perfectly :).
  20. L

    Which sketchup version to update to ?

    I have to say that I find Fusion 360 much better than Sketchup - I've never looked back since moving.