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  1. L

    Adding a pressure switch to a compressor

    I think I'm right in saying you can get compressor tanks hydro'd just like you would a diving tank. I certainly always keep mine in check (in fact the dive shop won't even fill them without a certificate, very sensibly). I realise the pressures are wildly different but it's still a thought if...
  2. L

    Reccomendations for a functional face shield and dustmask

    +1 for this. As far as respirators go, I'm a big fan of half face masks with replaceable filters. Pretty sure Safir are bust now but I have one of these ( ... ir/hp1.jpg) and I'd recommend anything along those lines. Fundamental rules of masks - if it's...
  3. L

    Shooting Boards - How do you make yours?

    Title is best read in the voice of the Crème Egg presenter in my opinion :D. So some people will have spotted an increase in the number of threads by me related to hand planes lately, as I stop being a powered wood butcher and more into the finer and more traditional ways to cock up a perfectly...
  4. L

    What Make For Good Quality Long Lasting Spade Bits?

    Depending on what your application is, have you considered forstner bits?
  5. L

    Restoring an old plane - wire brush the metalwork?

    Thanks all. I actually won't be sanding by default as I use a chemical bath for removing rust. I think I'll leave it be, it's not unsightly and with wax on it there aren't any marks bring left on the wood, so I'm happy. One day I might sand it, when the jobs list is finally empty.... Thanks all.
  6. L

    Restoring an old plane - wire brush the metalwork?

    It's an old Stanley no5. Nice condition overall, I've been enjoying bringing it and a few other planes back to life.
  7. L

    Restoring an old plane - wire brush the metalwork?

    I'm having some fun restoring some planes, but one think I'm not certain on is the bare metalwork, i.e. the outer sides of the bed itself. To be clear, it's all perfectly flat, so getting it flat isn't an issue here. The surface has the usual coating of dull grey aged metal, with some marks...
  8. L

    Base for a metal shed?

    Got a tip off tonight that a family friend was going to dismantle and skip a 10ft x 10ft metal shed tomorrow, apex roof and double doors. Needless to say I'm off round tomorrow to hopefully pinch it, but was wondering what base would be best. Level ground, dry laid slabs and then treated 4x2s on...
  9. L

    Buying a PROPER circular saw

    Why would this occur? I can't quite wrap my head around it.
  10. L

    Okay. What do you do with your mountain of offcuts?

    Often get used for jigs in mine. Or wedges. Things like that.
  11. L

    Bobbin sander 370W induction? vs 450W Noise difference ??

    Pressure gives you the effective volume at a given distance. Power refers to the amount of sound energy it throws out overall.
  12. L

    Veritas PM-V11 plane irons for Stanley & Record

    A2 are good then? Got those on some block planes I picked up and they were really slow to grind, that might explain it! Presumably these comparisons are much like preferences for kitchen knives? Buy soft, quick to sharpen but dull quickly, buy hard and they're a pain to sharpen but keep it for...
  13. L

    Dewalt DW1251 Radial Arm Saw – Opinions & Alternatives

    I've used both and whilst there is truth in this I wouldn't want to cite it 100%. A positive rake blade by nature will pull towards you, but so will a negative rake blade to a degree. As long as you have a correctly aligned pulley configuration to give the desired level of lbs to pull the...
  14. L

    Dewalt DW1251 Radial Arm Saw – Opinions & Alternatives

    No idea I'm afraid. I picked up mine years ago, neglected and with parts missing, paid £100 and threw £60 of parts on it. So I guess £200 for a reasonable example unless I got lucky? Your best bet is to watch eBay for a bit and get a feel for what they go for.
  15. L

    Dewalt DW1251 Radial Arm Saw – Opinions & Alternatives

    No, to get it roughly right takes minutes. To get it perfect (and by perfect I mean repeatability of less than a mm) takes a couple of hours for a novice, and you do need to adopt a "that's half a mm out, I'll have to tweak it a bit" mentality. After those couple of hours, it's an unerringly...
  16. L

    Dewalt DW1251 Radial Arm Saw – Opinions & Alternatives

    Great saws, I loved mine, then had second thoughts for a while, then got counselled on here to set it up obsessively, and now love it again. It's worth checking the riving knife is present, you can't see from the photos. Also, there shouldn't be a cable tie on the handle - possible damage?
  17. L

    Problem club members

    Costs about £30 if I remember correctly to raise a Small Claims Court proceeding, if you warn them that you'll do that and get no response then you can easily follow through.
  18. L

    Lathe Tools for Newbie

    Can't give you a comparison of brands I'm afraid but I've got Henry Taylors and have always found them good. In terms of the Turnmaster, I've never used them but I know what they are. I'd suggest it depends if you want to learn to turn properly, or if you just want something to remove wood...
  19. L

    Lathe Tools for Newbie

    If you're looking at bowl work then I'd suggest something like a 1/4" and 1/2" bowl gouge, roughing gouge, and a parting tool. Those would be the bare minimum I'd go with personally.
  20. L

    Lathe Tools for Newbie

    What are you looking to turn? Green wood is easy to turn, but not easy to turn lasting things from.