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  1. mikej460

    Shutters again.

    They look good, where did you but the bits from? were they a kit or did you follow a particular design?
  2. mikej460

    Marples firmer chisels

    I'm not sure when shipwrights (as a woodworking trade started to die out with late victorian ships being made of steel.
  3. mikej460

    Vice confusion

    I think the first is a bit 'form over function'. They can be useful as a tail vice fitted to one short end of the workbench but as others have said the Record 52 1/2 is a great vice. They do come up on eBay but try and find a quick release (QR, also known as E) 10" version, although as Paul...
  4. mikej460

    I received this text on my mobile this morning

    My understanding is that the scammers use malware to access somebody's contacts then send texts out to all entries in that person's contact list (they know your name from the contact record). As said earlier, they do this to provoke a response to show them you are an active contact, then they...
  5. mikej460

    Marples firmer chisels

    Possibly Shipwright?
  6. mikej460

    Marples firmer chisels

    Yes these were called Wheelrights, similar job only they made wooden wheels. Given what @Adam says this could be a wheelrigjt set.
  7. mikej460

    Optimising hot water schedule

    I don't support the conspiracy theorists, but is does boil down to either a faulty meter or a second programme on your boiler? Our boiler has 5 separate programmes for example.
  8. mikej460

    Marples firmer chisels

    A millright would have made and maintained all the wooden cogs, axles etc in a corn mill (water or wind).
  9. mikej460

    Marples firmer chisels

    The fact that these old chisels still have plenty of metal on them points to them being made for very bespoke work as stated above. I bet @D_W could transform them into more usable bevel chisels!
  10. mikej460

    Laser tool advice

    After researching I've just bought one of these for my new workshop build. It is very good quality and great indoors, although I got mine for £89.99 as a promotion.
  11. mikej460

    Danger zone

    When I was a lad this 🤘 didn't mean you were a heavy rock fan, it meant you were no good on a lathe....
  12. mikej460

    Parallel guide from china

    Sorry but I can't help as I don't use parallel guides. I came across this video looking for something else. Hopefully another member can help you.
  13. mikej460

    A gap in my knowledge - orbital sanders

    I have two Metabo ROS one is a Duo and the other more recent machine is a green Mirka which is excellent.
  14. mikej460

    Advice on Cordless Saw for Cutting MDF Boards

    I have the smaller Dewalt cordless circular saw using 4 and 5 Ah batteries and they don't last long cutting 18mm mdf. I have a 240v Triton tracksaw which goes through mdf like butter with the right quality blade fitted, which is an important consideration (speed of cut v finish). With a tracksaw...
  15. mikej460

    To whomever is stealing my pencils..

    That's almost a Christmas Carol...
  16. mikej460

    Screwfix, what an utter pain in the proverbial

    I am a regular customer at our local (Daventry) Screwfix and the service has always been excellent. As an aside I went to Screwfix Live last week and had a great time (sadly Festool weren't there so also going to D&M show next week as I'm after a good deal on a Kapex KS60 as a treat to myself to...
  17. mikej460

    Wealden vs…

    I normally buy from Wealdon but needed a round over in a hurry so bought this Trend Craft Pro 6mm roundover and it did an excellent job in my little Dewalt 1/4" on 40mm prime butchers block worktops - perfect results with no burning...
  18. mikej460

    Take a look at the bottom

    We went into one of the showrooms the OP referred to whilst looking for units for our recently renovated utility room and after looking over the first kitchen I was appalled by the poor quality. We then went to Homebase and met a really friendly and competent salesperson who spent time asking...
  19. mikej460

    Parallel guide from china

    would this video help?
  20. mikej460

    Workshop Advice Needed - Tool Wall vs Systainers

    Nice tools....which I guess would cover the tools and the stools 😁